After Goa and Maharashtra, activities of ‘Hindu Vidhidnya Parishad’ start in Andhra Pradesh

Hindu Advocates from Andhra Pradesh vow to mobilise to protect Dharma

From Left : Shri. Ramesh Shinde, National Spokesperson, HJS; Senior Adv. Murlinarayan Bang; Adv. Sanjiv Punalekar, National Secretary, Hindu Vidhidnya Parishad; Adv. Virendra Ichalkaranjikar, President, Hindu Vidhidnya Parishad (speaking)

Bhagyanagar (Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh) : Today Hindu advocates should not just look at monetary gains, but fight for the rights of devout Hindus with the perspective of protecting Dharma. We have to fight cases of devout Hindus, provide them with moral support because that is the way we can protect Hindus and Hindu culture. Advocates should support Hindus without any expectation of personal benefits. Hindu Vidhidnya Parishad is working in Maharashtra and Goa with the same ideals of selflessness. Hindu advocates from Andhra Pradesh should also join this initiative. This was the clarion call given by Adv. Sanjiv Punalekar of Mumbai HC.

He was speaking in the meeting of Hindu advocates organised by Hindu Janajagruti Samiti. All advocates present in the meeting responded enthusiastically to Adv. Punalekar’s call and vowed to work for protecting Dharma through the medium of Hindu Vidhidnya Parishad. Through this meeting, activities of Hindu Vidhidnya Parishad have begun in South India after Goa and Maharashtra states. The meeting was held on 22nd September in the Keshav Memorial College auditorium.

Hindu advocates present for the meeting

Hindu advocates present for the meeting

Shri. Chetan Janardan of HJS explained the purpose of the meeting. Then Adv. Virendra Ichalkaranjikar, President of Hindu Vidhidnya Parishad familiarised the attendees with the activities of Hindu Vidhidnya Parishad.

We will fully support activities of ‘Hindu Vidhidnya Parishad’ ! – Senior Adv. Murlinarayan Bang

Senior Adv. Bang said, “The advocates should take initiatives to protect Hindu Dharma. Even though we may be extremely busy in our professional lives, we always take time to help our relatives with their cases. In the same manner, we should treat every case involving Hindu activists very seriously. In future, we will have prepare ourselves to lawfully fight all those elements which are trying to attack Hindu Dharma. From today’s meeting it is clear that all Hindu advocates should unite. therefore we completely support activities of HVP. We will try to involve more Hindu advocates with the activities of HVP and mobilise to protect Dharma.”

Support devout Hindu activists working at the ground level, to protect Dharma ! – Shri. Ramesh Shinde

Speaking at the meeting said, “It is duty of Hindu advocates to support Hindu activists, who are working on the ground level to protect and defend Hindu Dharma against all kinds of attacks on Dharma. Police and rulers always try to suppress Hindu activists. If you support such Hindu activists, then only Hindu society can be protected. That is why Hindu advocates should contribute to this cause.”


1.After the meeting, Adv. Harinath Reddy, member of Bhagyanagar (Hyderabad) Bar Council narrated his experiences for protection of Dharma. He also said that he got the right direction to stop anti-Hindu activities in this meeting.

2.Video CD of ‘Second All India Hindu Convention for the establishment of the Hindu Rashtra’ held at Goa was shown to present Hindu advocates through projector.

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