Success of HVP : 12 websites showing video of terrorist Hafiz Saeed blocked

Mumbai police take action on HVP’s letter

Police took action after Hindu Vidhidnya Parishada’s demand. Why can’t police notice such things and take action ?

hafiz saeed1Mumbai : Hafiz Saeed, Chief of terrorist organization ‘Jamat-Ul- Dava’ situated in Pakistan, has been trying to provoke Indian Muslims through his speeches and separate Kashmir from India. These speeches are telecast on ‘You-Tube’ and other social websites. He has also made accusations that bomb blasts, killings, riots, accidents happening in Pakistan were due to India; thus he is trying to poison Indian Muslims’ views towards India. Showing such videos should be immediately stopped so that Pakistan’s conspiracy to create internal strife in India can be foiled and communal harmony as desired by police can be maintained.

The above demand was made by Hindu Vidhidnya Parishad (HVP) through a letter written on 17th July 2014 to Maharashtra Police department and Home Minister. Police Inspector from ‘Mata Ramabai Ambedkar Road’ police station, sent a letter to advocate Sanjeev Punalekar of HVP taking note of the letter; informing that 12 websites showing videos provoking Indian Muslims have been closed down. Police also thanked advocate Punalekar to bring this matter to their notice.

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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