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Declare the ‘ Hatkatro Khamb ’ in Goa as a National Monument !

Hatkatro Khamb is in the same area where Christians hold fair for Xavier whom they treat as a Saint. This pillar is standing even today as a witness of extreme oppression by Portuguese rulers, of Hindus in Goa; but it is in very bad shape today. The condition of this ‘Hatkatro Khaamb’ is very pathetic. The two chains on its sides have been pulled out and taken away by someone. There is no fence around this ‘khaamb’ for its protection. No board has been put up there explaining history of this ‘khaamb’. Several people fought against tyrant Portuguese regime with valour. Their hundreds of descendants are living in Goa even today; whereas some of them have settled in other States after losing everything in such fight. These families settled in other States still feel very close to Goa.
hatkapro khamb5
The patriotic citizens of Goa are very much displeased with the Congress regime which ruined Goa in the name of tourism. If tourism is to be considered as a means of financial progress, it can be in fact, given more importance even by preserving the sanctity of culture of Goa. Thousands of tourists visit Germany every year to see the concentration-camps set up by Hitler for eliminating Jews. Historical places like ‘Haat Kataro’ can also become tourists’ attraction.

Hatkatro Khamb is not at all a place to be ashamed of for people of Goa. There is no reason that people of Goa should feel such inferiority complex towards this place. It is a symbol of people of Goa who sacrificed their life for protecting own self-respect. For them, it is the pillar of memories.

Things and places, structures which keep the history of bravery and fortitude alive are very important because such things, places and structures are witness to certain incidents of history. Oppression and atrocities meted out to natives by other countries or tyrant regimes have been preserved by countries like Germany, USA, Russia etc. even today. The reason for the same is such things and places give a message to keep one’s patriotism kindled so as to avoid repetition of such history and to create awareness amongst future generations of Goa, towards sacrifices made by their ancestors. .

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Preserving and propagating the true history of Goa – Inquisition of Goa
(The forgotten Genocide of Goans)

Request you to please send the email with the demands to Hon’ble Chief Minister & concerned authorities by clicking on the below button. Request you to send a copy of the email to [email protected]

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Demands by Hindu Janajagruti Samiti

1. ‘Haat Kataro Khaamb’ should be declared as a historical place of heritage.

2. Fence should be erected around this ‘khaamb’ for its protection.

3. A board of either brass or stone should be placed near this ‘khaamb’ where it will be clearly visible. Help of renowned historians and scholars from Goa should be sought in preparing this board.

4. The Government should make arrangements for its protection and maintenance.

5. The Government should officially include this place as a tourists’ place and make a mention of the same on its website.


The Horrific Truth of the Goa Inquisition !

The Goa inquisition is regarded by all contemporary portrayals as the most violent inquisition ever executed by the Portuguese Catholic Church. It was marked by an unparalleled barbarism, inhumanism and fanaticism, the most horrifying and bloodiest inquisition faced by Goan Hindus who suffered for 252 years (1560 to 1812). Those Hindus who refused to convert to Christianity or those found ‘guilty’ of secretly practicing Hindu Dharma despite converting were punished in the cruelest manner possible. It is heartbreaking that this Inquisition has no place in Indian history books, nor is it openly discussed.


Click here to read the letter sent by Hindu Vidhidnya Parishad to CM of Goa (In Marathi)

Devout Hindus can appeal to government authorities to declare ‘Hatkatro Khamb’ as National monument, on following contact details

The Chief Minister, Goa
Dr. Pramod Sawant
Phone (Office) : +91-832-2419841, 2411049 Fax +91-832-2419846
Email: [email protected]

Directorate of Archives and Archaeology
Ruade ourem,Mala, Panaji
Email : [email protected]
Phone : + 91- 832 222 6692

Smt. R. Menaka, IAS
District Collector
North Goa District Collectorate,
Collectorate Building,Panaji, Goa (India) – 403001
Phone : + 91- 832 – 2223612, 2225383, 2225083, 2224084
Fax : + 91- 832 – 2426492
Email: [email protected]

Hatkatro Khaamb : A lone pillar that stands witness to horrors of inquisition

An elegant pillar that quietly narrates a tale of woe is popularly called the 'Hatkatro Khambo' today it is a symbol of the horrors of inquisition let loose by the Portuguese ecclesiastical authorities on Hindus. It is a relic of an ancient temple and going by some portions, it appears to be from the Kadamb era, when Portuguese razed several temples.

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