National Interest Campaigns

Anti Halal-Imposition Campaign

HJS was the first organisation to raise the issue of the subversive tactics of Halal certification. HJS has come out with a bestseller replete with comprehensive research & statistics on Halal Jihad. Samiti led delegations have sought a complete ban on the religion based Halal certificate system which seek to undermine nation’s economy. Businessmen, traders, and entrepreneurs who attended HJS’ lectures on Halal Jihad are now actively campaigning against it in their own spheres.

Respect National Flag Campaign

Since its inception 2 decades ago, the Hindu Janajagruti Samiti has been working with the administration to instil pride for the National Flag among citizens. HJS has employed various media to create awareness to ban the production, display, and sale of plastic National Flags. HJS has now succeeded in ending 95% production of plastic National Flags, and the subsequent denigration of the Flag, while also ensuring that more people are aware of the Flag Code and abide by it.

Save Forts Campaign

HJS, along with history enthusiasts is now leading a campaign to protect and preserve forts across the nation. HJS has effectively used the Right to Information Act to uncover information regarding encroachments, mismanagement, and gross neglect of historically and culturally important forts. So far, HJS has been instrumental in persuading the state government of Maharashtra to remove encroachments of islamic nature from forts built and conquered by Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.

Solidarity With Kashmiri Hindus

The HJS feels that every Hindu should be empathetic to the pain and suffering of Kashmiri Hindus. To ensure this, HJS teamed up with FACT (Foundation Against Continuing Terrorism) in 2007 to set up exhibitions across the nation. The exhibition is a grim reminder of the horrors that Kashmiri Hindus faced and continue to face. In 2016, HJS joined Kashmiri Hindu organisations to launch the Ek Bharat Abhiyan – Kashmir Ki Or to sensitise citizens to the Kashmir issue and demand that the Indian Government rehabilitate Kashmiri Hindus.

Campaigns to Uphold & Preserve Dharma

Love Jihad Awareness

The HJS was the first organisation in India to collect facts and figures on the grooming of young girls by religious fanatics (Love Jihad or Grooming Jihad). HJS’ book on Love Jihad is a bestseller and has been an eye opener for many families who were unknowingly trapped in this sinister conspiracy. HJS conducts regular lectures, publishes articles, submits regular memoranda to the administration on Love Jihad. HJS volunteers have also been instrumental in rescuing and providing psychological support to survivors of Love Jihad.

Campaign Against Anti-Hindu Laws

HJS was instrumental in averting the government takeover of over 4.5 Lakh temples in Maharashtra. HJS has rallied temple trustees, priests, and devotees to legally challenge temple takeovers by the government, reclaim temple land and assets from usurpers.

HJS lobbying was successful in removing 15 anti-Hindu clauses in Maharashtra’s anti-superstition bill.

Movement Against MF Husains’ Paintings

MF Husain used freedom of expression as a tool to degrade Hindu and national icons of faith. HJS’ massive nationwide movement condemning MF Husain’s perverse paintings of Hindu Gods, Goddesses and Bharatmata forced Husain to flee India, surrender Indian citizenship and take Qatari citizenship. After HJS’s protest many Art Galleries removed Husain’s paintings from their exhibition. His paintings continue to be under scrutiny.

Campaign against Denigration of Deities and Hindu Dharma

Till now, HJS has been successful in stopping more than 300 denigrations (disrespect of Hindu Deities and national icons) through movies, plays, serials, OTT platforms, advertisement and products. HJS is instrumental in awakening Hindus to demeaning treatment of Hindu Deities and culture for commercial gains. Alert Hindus now voice their protests resulting in multiple denigrations being withdrawn swiftly.

Campaigns to Protect Environment & Culture

Protecting Temples and Traditions

HJS has rallied temple trustees, priests, and devotees to protect the autonomy of temples and uphold the sanctity of temple traditions. HJS is now spearheading a campaign to institute a dress codes in temples. As a result, hundreds of temples across Maharashtra, Karnataka and Goa have now implemented a dress code. HJS also is instrumental in creating awareness about the need to protect, preserve, and propagate temple culture.

Save Culture Campaign

Sunburn, an electronic music festival, was a facade for rampant drug abuse and also environmental damage. HJS launched a large-scale campaign in 2014 against Sunburn, leading to authorities uncovering massive financial irregularities.

Unpleasant acts taking place during festivals should be avoided and they should be celebrated with devotion and in the traditional/scientific manner. HJS created awareness about it.

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Campaign against papier-mâché Ganesh idols

HJS has always advocated celebrating Hindu festivals in a responsible manner. So when the Govt. of Maharashtra, under pressure from some self proclaimed progressive groups, promoted Ganesh idols made of paper pulp as environment friendly, the HJS conducted a comprehensive study and proved that such idols cause irreparable water pollution. HJS is popularised the use of clay idols as they are Sattvik and environment friendly.

Campaign Against Distortion of History

A systematic plot to create a weak and characterless future generation of Hindus has been in operation since the British times. The education sector has been a major target of this plot. HJS has been continuously opposing distortion of history with the help of like-minded organisations. Some major wins for the HJS have been inclusion of lessons on the lives of great Hindu Kings, and revision of texts to correct factual errors.

Social Activities

Surajya Abhiyan & Arogya Sahayya Samiti

The citizens deserve good governance. So the HJS has launched the Surajya Abhiyan to fight corruption and administrative apathy, which are hurdles to good governance. The HJS has utilised the RTI Act to expose adulteration, unscientific fare hikes, passenger woes and more. HJS has also exposed charitable hospitals that violated laws on treating patients from the economically weaker sections.
The Arogya Sahayya Samiti is a doctors’ collective aiming to resolve issues in the medical sector.

Khadkwasla Reservoir Protection Campaign

Each year HJS volunteers lead a team people to form a human chain around the Khadakwasla Dam (in Pune) during Holi, Dhulivandan and Rangpanchami to educate people against washing off colours in the dam waters. This campaign is organised annually has achieved a remarkable success rate of 100% protection since its inception over 2 decades ago.

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Self Defence Classes

Instances like rape, riots, terrorists’ attacks are taking place constantly. Being alert and being equipped to face such situations is the need of the hour. The HJS conducts free self defence classes to increase physical, mental and spiritual strength among the youth. These classes have helped more than a few people overcome challenging situations, thus increasing the demand for the classes.

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Unification of Hindus

Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav

HJS strongly believes in ‘saṃghe śakti: kalauyuge’ (संघे शक्ति: कलौयुगे), that strength lies in unity (in the Kaliyuga). So HJS started the Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav (Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Rashtra Adhiveshan) in 2012, as a common national platform for small and large Hindu and nationalist organisations. Today this platform has organised over a 1000 organisations to work together towards the goal of establishing the Hindu Rashtra. 

Hindu Rashtra Jagruti Sabha

HJS has also taken the concept of Hindu Rashtra to every home through Hindu Rashtra Jagruti Sabhas. These gatherings organised in hamlets and metros are a primary reason for the term Hindu Rashtra gaining popularity and acceptance among the common Hindu populace. Till date more than 1300 Sabhas have been organized by HJS.

Rashtriya Hindu Andolan

HJS started the monthly Rashtriya Hindu Andolan (agitations) which has been instrumental in creating awareness about matters of national and Dharmik importance across the nation such as love jihad, religious conversion, atrocities on Hindu minority in Pakistan and Bangladesh etc.

Be the change, Join HJS

Be a part of the movement towards establishing a unified and prosperous Hindu Rashtra!