How to inculcate sanskars in children at a young age ?

        The foundation of sanskars (subconscious impressions) is discipline. If every action is not combined with discipline and following of rules then that action remains incomplete. Spiritual growth too is achieved faster if complete discipline is maintained throughout the day. For this, the seed of discipline is to be sown in the mind of children at a very young age.

Making children independent

        The children should be rightly mould from a very young age. They should be taught to neatly arrange the bed-sheets after waking up in the morning. Initially, the arrangement might not be perfect, but as they start growing, they will definitely develop the quality of tidiness. Teach them to do their homework and school preparations on their own after their daily routine activities. Instruct them to keep their books neatly at the appropriate place. Teach them to keep their shoes and school bag at the right place, wash their hands and legs, change their clothes and keep the clothes properly at the right place after returning home from school. Teach them to stitch their torn clothes. Even children enjoy doing their own work. Later on, also teach them to wash their own clothes. Teach them to wash the cup and plate after the morning and evening breakfast.

        In short, make the children independent. Do not differentiate between girls and boys in this. If they are moulded in the right way, then the children will always be disciplined, whether at home or outside.

From time to time teach them to pray and pay gratitude

        Teach them to pray as soon as they wake up in the morning and pay gratitude to God for showing them this day. Tell them to pay obeisance / salutation to God after washing their face. Teach them to pray before every meal. Impress on their mind that everything in life happens due to God’s grace.

Early to bed and early to rise

        Teach them the habit of waking up early. It is seen in many houses that children stay awake till late night to study and wake up late at 8 or 9 in the morning. On the contrary, if they sleep early and wake up early for studies then they will be able to grasp better. There is a saying ‘Early to bed and early to rise, makes the man healthy, wealthy and wise!’. In earlier times, the sages used to wake up at Brahmamuhurt (An auspicious time before sunrise, ideal for spiritual practice) and recite the Vedas. At night, the effect of Raja-Tama (2 out of the 3 components of the Universe denoted by activity and ignorance; negativity) is more, whereas, in the morning sattvikta (Component of the Universe denoted by purity and knowledge; positivity) is more and this has a good effect on studies.

Teach them to perform all the things on schedule

        Children learn from the actions of their elders; keeping this in mind, the elders should behave accordingly. The elders should set an example by exhibiting qualities such as talking politely with everyone, respecting elders etc. Also, they should do all their work in time. If you keep postponing your work, then you will never be able to complete it. That is why discipline mind instead of body. In many homes it is seen that the clothes in the cupboards and racks are kept in a very disorganized manner; in the same way, the house is also completely disorganized. When guests arrive unexpectedly , there is total chaos. However, once your mind is used to tidiness, you will feel restless if the things are not in order. Do not be lazy in keeping the house organized. Teach children that laziness is our biggest enemy.

Do not pamper children excessively

        Nowadays, there are one or two children in a house. So all their likes and dislikes are taken care of. Hence, children become fussy about everything, including the food they eat and the clothes they wear. Therefore, you should not pamper them excessively, as this will make them stubborn.

Make yourself ideal in front of the children

        If the house has to be made perfect, then you should have the qualities of discipline, obedience and respect for elders. By exhibiting these qualities, the elders should set an example in front of their children such that the children imitate them and thus imbibe these good qualities. If this happens, it won’t take long to make an ideal family.

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