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Sleep Peacefully

Sleep mantras to get peaceful sleep

Chanting of mantrās are an integral part of Hindu Dharma, which considers every act to be performed under spiritual purview. The power of negative energies increases during the night. .In true sense, reciting related mantrās before sleeping gives us immense protection from attacks of negative energies. This article gives list of mantrās we can recite, prayers we should offer and chanting to be done in order to get a peaceful sleep.

Best sleeping direction

There have been cases where people have spent sleepless nights without any known reason, and accidentally a change in the direction to east-west in fact rewarded them with a sound sleep. Even though a shift in direction is a small change, it provides a major benefit in achieving a good sleep. How does this happen? Our Hindu Dharma elaborates the spiritual science behind sleeping in the correct direction.

Sleeping position – Why should we avoid sleeping in south direction ?

Sleep is fundamentally a process that is predominant in Tama component; for, it is performed during the night time, which by itself is a period predominant in Tama component. Therefore it is of utmost importance to understand the spiritual science underlying various aspects related to peaceful sleep, such as correct direction for sleeping as prescribed by Hindu Dharma.

How to sleep better – Science underlying different sleeping position

Sleep is fundamentally a process that is predominant in Tama component; as it is performed during the night time, which by itself is a period predominant in Tama component. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to understand the spiritual science underlying various aspects related to peaceful sleep such as correct postures for sleeping as prescribed by Hindu Dharma.This article details various effects of different sleeping postures on us and the appropriate ways of sleeping.

Benefits of sleeping early at night and waking up early

The power of negative energies increases during the night; therefore it is difficult to perform spiritual practice during the night. Hence, it is advised to sleep early and give rest to the body in the night. Conversely, in the period from dawn till 11 am in the morning, the environment is most conducive for performing spiritual practice. Therefore, our Dharma advises the dictum ‘Early to bed and early to rise’.

Sleep deprivation : Causes, symptoms and home remedies for sleep

Most of the people nowadays are sleep deprived; in some cases it becomes obvious with dark circles around their eyes or having baggy and puffy eyes. Let us try to understand the reasons for sleeplessness, its effect on us and the remedies according to Ayurveda.

Sleeping tips : Where should one not sleep ?

Sleep is as essential as food for physical and mental well being. The body and the organs wear out after a day’s work. Following norms as described in the scriptures for sleeping will help us obtain a peaceful sleep. This article elaborates where one should not sleep and the spiritual science underlying it.

How to sleep peacefully ?

How to sleep peacefully ? - The modern day hectic lifestyle, domestic tensions, office tensions etc. have made peaceful sleep a rarity for most people. Absence of peaceful sleep adversely affects the following day’s work-schedule. The articles given ahead in particular elaborate the spiritual science underlying various aspects related to peaceful sleep

Why do we sleep ?

Sleep is as essential as food for physical and mental wellbeing. Body and the organs wearout after a day’s work. To restore them to the original levels, rest is essential. The natural state of rest is sleep. Happiness-sorrow, obesity-leanness, knowledge-ignorance, health and strength are all dependent on sleep.