Why are lamps made from wheat flour used for Yamadipadana?


1. Dhanatrayodashi

Importance of the day of Dhanatrayodashi: According to Shaka Samvat, Ashwin Krushna Trayodashi and according to Vikram Samvat, Kartik Krushna Trayodashi is the Dhanatrayodashi. Dhanatrayodashi is the day of Jayanti of Dhanvantari, Ayurvedic healer of the Deities. At the time of ocean churning, the Ayurvedic healer of Deities, Dhanvantari, appeared holding a pot of nectar (Amrut) in His hands on the day of Dhanatrayodashi. The scholars and healers of Ayurveda worship Dhanvantari on this day and wish for the longevity and health of the people. On the day of Dhanvantari Jayanti the Holy sacrament made from neem leaves is distributed.

Dhanatrayodashi is celebrated in the form of a vowed religious observance (vrat) also. Dhanatrayodashi is a vowed religious observance (vrat) associated with Deity Yamadeva. If it is not possible to perform this vrat, offering a lamp is surely done in the evening for Yamadeva.

2. Yamadipadana

In the Dipavali period, offering of a lamp (dipadana) is done on the three days of Dhanatrayodashi, Narakachaturdashi and Yamadwitiya.

कार्तिकस्‍यासिते पक्षे त्रयोदश्‍यां निशामुखे ।
यमदीपं बहिर्दद्यादपमृत्‍युर्विनिश्‍यति ।। – स्‍कंदपुराण

Meaning: By placing a lamp outside the house for Yamadeva in the evening of Trayodashi of the dark fortnight of Kartik, the untimely death is averted. Yamadev gave an assurance to his attendants that those who performed dipadana on Dhanatrayodashi will not suffer untimely death.

2.1 Spiritual importance of Yamadipadana on Dhanatrayodashi

  • Acquiring longevity by doing dipadana: By doing dipadana a person gains radiance (Tej). By this his vital energy increases and he gains longevity.

  • Gaining the blessings of Yamadeva: On the day of Dhanatrayodashi the flows of Yama frequencies are active in the Universe. Hence, on this day the proportion of getting fruits of all the rituals associated with Yama Deity is higher by 30 percent as compared to other days. On this day lamps are offered to Yamadeva and His blessings are sought.

  • Expressing gratitude towards Yamadeva: On the day of Dhanatrayodashi, Yamadeva rules over Hell. On Dhanatrayodashi the frequencies emitted by Yamadeva reach various regions of Hell. For this reason the frequencies emitted by the negative energies present in the Hell are under control. As a result, the proportion of frequencies of Hell on Earth is reduced. So Yamadeva is worshipped with spiritual emotion and dipadana is performed to express gratitude towards Him. Performing Yamadipadana means pleasing Yamadeva and offering a prayer for protection from the distressing frequencies which are responsible for untimely death.

2.2 Substances of worship required for Yamadipadana

In the ritual of Yamadipadana there should be sandalwood paste, flowers, turmeric, vermilion, consecrated rice, that is, unbroken rice etc. in the ritualistic platter. Similarly for the purpose of achaman a copper platter, tumbler (panchapatra), spoon (achamani) are also necessary. For the purpose of Yamadipadana special lamps made of kneaded wheat flour mixed with turmeric powder are used.

Importance of lamps made of wheat flour: On Dhanatrayodashi the tama-dominant Energy frequencies and tama-dominant frequencies of Water Principle are active in higher proportion. These frequencies are responsible for the untimely death of a person. The lamp made of wheat flour has the ability to pacify these frequencies. So for the purpose of Yamadipadana the lamps made of wheat flour are used.

Science underlying drawing a rangoli associated with the Krushna Principle for placing a lamp at the time of Yamadipadana: For installing the lamp for the purpose of Yamadipadana a rangoli of Srikrushna device (yantra) is drawn. There is a special importance of making a rangoli of Srikrushna yantra in this manner for the purpose of Yamadipadana. Before the ritual of worshipping a lamp, a resolve is made after invoking Sri Vishnu with His 24 Names. ‘Srikrushna’ is a complete incarnation of Sri Vishnu. Yamadeva also has Srikrushna Principle. For this reason the arrival of Yamadeva occurs in the form of Principle at the venue of the ritual in a short time. The distress caused to a person because of the inertia-indicating frequencies associated with death is reduced as a result of the worship of Srikrushna and Yamadeva. Shiva Principle is also present in Yamadeva. For this reason rangoli associated with Shiva Principle is also drawn.

2.3 Ritual of Yamadipadana

  • First water is sipped from the palm and released (achaman), breathing exercises (pranayam), thereafter utterance of time and place are done.

  • Thereafter, resolve is made about Yamadipadana. While making resolve, the following mantra is chanted.

    मम अपमृत्‍यु विनाशार्थम्‌ यमदीपदानं करिष्‍ये ।

    Meaning: I am performing Yamadipadana to prevent my untimely death.

  • The flour lamp placed in the copper platter is lit.

  • Then lamp is placed on the centre point of the rangoli of Srikrushna yantra.

  • Then sandalwood paste, turmeric, vermilion and akshat, are offered to the lamp.

  • Flower is offered to the lamp.

  • Obeisance is paid to the lamp.

Subtle effect of ritualistic worship of the lamp:

  • Upon applying sandalwood paste to the lamp, a blue blissful flame of Vishnu principle appears in the middle of the lamp.

  • Upon offering flower to the lamp, presence of radiance (Tej) in the form of a yellow spot is seen in the blue flame.

  • Upon offering akshat to the lamp, the Tej Principle present in the form of yellow spot in the blue flame gets activated. Through this Tej Principle, frequencies of Tej Principle are emitted into environment in the form of spirals.

Other rituals performed in the ritualistic worship are:

  • Akshat are placed in the copper platter to offer a seat to the lamp.

  • This lamp is placed in a copper platter to be taken out of the house. Then the lamp is taken out of the house.

  • Outside the house, the lamp is placed facing south and prayer is offered to Yamadeva.

    मृत्‍युना पाशदंडाभ्‍यां कालेन श्‍यामयासह ।
    त्रयोदश्‍यां दीपदानात्‌ सूर्यज: प्रीयतां मम ।। – स्‍कंदपुराण

    Meaning: On Trayodashi I offer this lamp to the son of Sun, that is, Yamadeva. May He free me from the noose of death and look after my welfare.

    Those not knowing this verse can pray by understanding the meaning.

  • After this water is released for offering the lamp (Yamadipadana).

2.4 Effects of placing the worshipped lamp outside the house facing south

Frequencies of Yama are attracted and emitted in higher proportion from south. Subtle process taking place by installing the lamp to south is as follows:

  • Flow of Yama frequencies is attracted towards the lamp from the south.

  • This flow of Yama frequencies spreads around the lamp in the form of spirals.

  • Inferior negative energies are dispelled due to the Yama frequencies.

Deity of the place (Sthandevata) and Deity of the premise (Vastudevata) arrive in Principle form to take darshan of Yamadeva. All members residing in the premise benefit by the arrival of these Deities. As the Yama frequencies come closer, by offering the worshipped lamp to Yamadeva, it is acquired by Him in a short time and easily. Hence, the person is protected from the frequencies that cause untimely death.

With reference to Yamadipadana, a Saint from Sanatan ashram, Panvel, H.H. Parasharam Pandey Maharaj states, "Yama is the Deity of death and Dharma. We should be constantly aware that death of every person is certain. Offering the lamp to Yamadev we should pray that ‘We are offering the lamp as a symbol of alertness and light, please accept it’."

3. Ritualistic worship of treasury by merchants

Commercial year is from one Divali to subsequent Divali. Account books of New Year are bought on this day. At some places merchants worship their treasury. Thus, from the spiritual practice of merchant (Vaishya) class, moving ahead on the path of Spirituality becomes possible for the traders. On the day of Dhanatrayodashi, new vessels of gold or silver or new clothes are purchased.

Science underlying the purchase of new vessels of gold or silver on Dhanatrayodashi: On this day, the wealth form of Sri Lakshmi is invoked through the action of purchasing new vessels of gold or silver and the active Lakshmi principle is given momentum. This helps in accumulation of wealth in the treasury safe.