Majority of seekers believe that bhāv is automatically generated by doing sādhanā (Spiritual practice). Although this is not theoretically incorrect, it cannot be guaranteed that this process will occur easily in everyone. In the following article the components of bhāv and the importance and types of bhāv have been given.
In this article definition and meaning of bhav are explained. Bhav is replacement of the ‘I’ in one’s life by the awareness of the existence of God or the Guru with equal intensity.
Saint Tukaram Maharaj says in one of His hymns, “A devotee’s duty is to have singular bhav towards God. The true secret of devotion is to have this bhav with a firm resolve constantly. Devotees should have firm faith in God, without expecting anything in return. They should not wish for the support of anyone else. God should be their sole support.
Prayer means pleading fervently from God. In other words, it is asking God for something with intense yearning. Prayer includes respect, love, pleading and faith. Through a prayer, a devotee expresses his helplessness and offers the doership of the task to God.
Prayer is actually a synonym for surrender. This act of surrender is completed only after the expression of gratitude. Gratitude is a means of offering the doership of an act to God / the Guru; hence it helps in reducing the ego.