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Spiritual Practice

These articles explains the importance of sadhana (spiritual practice) through various points such as how performing sadhana is necessary along with abiding by Dharma, how with sadhana the saptachakras (Seven spiritual energy centres) get purified faster, how sadhana from the previous birth contributes towards the sattvik nature of an individual in the current birth and the benefits of performing sadhana on earth when compared with other subtle-regions.

Kal (Time) and Sadhana in Kaliyug

This article explains the Importance of doing sadhana in Kaliyug. Since we are in a transition period, sadhana performed in this period is twenty times more beneficial than performed otherwise.

Importance of performing sadhana under the guidance of a guru

This article explains the importance of performing sadhana and awakening of the kundalini under the spiritual guidance of guru. It also highlights dangers which can arise, if the sadhana (Spiritual practice) is performed as per our own wish.