News Archive

Worship after 59 years in Katasraj Temple in Pak

Yamunanagar: A three-day worship is being organised from Feburary 14, 2007 in the Pak-based Hindu temple Katasraj, the first time after 59 years.
(Would the Pakistan Government also show the same interest and promptness in other Hindu temples in Pakistan and act on various attacks on Hindu temples?-Editor) Read more »

Anti Hindu Devaswom Bill-Hindus to observe Black day today

Courtesy:Pioneer News Service | Thiruvananthapuram

Various Hindu organisations in the State condemned the Devaswom Ordinance which was approved by Governor RL Bhatia on Sunday. The Hindu Aikya Vedi and the Vishwa Hindu Parishad will observe Black Day on Monday protesting against the Ordinance. The Sree Narayana Dharma Paripalana (SNDP) Yogam also criticised the Government move in harsh words.
(Hindus wake up and get ready to oppose this danger to Hindu temples all over the country-Editor) Read more »

Marxist take over of Hindu Temples in Kerala

Now the Marxist government in Kerala has dismantled the Hindu Devasom Boards and introduced new law for the complete take over of Hindu Temples in Kerala. Under the new law, Marxist government can appoint atheist, non practicing Hindus as temple managers and administrators. Government will have the ultimate control of managing temple workers, temple funds and distribution of funds. The goals are to loot Hindu temple funds and confiscate temple property. The new law will also helps Marxists to destroy Hindu culture, demoralize devotees and please their Muslim and Christian political partners.
(Along with the Muslims and Christians now Marxists are also posing serious threat to Hindu Dharma.Hindus wake up and oppose this before it is too late -Editor) Read more »

Pamphlet asks Hindus to watch for ‘intruders’

PAMPHLETS exhorting Hindus to make Hindu sammelans a success and watch out ‘intruders in their locality’ like mechanic, driver, scrap dealer and beggar etc belonging to a particular community, are being distributed openly.
One of the pamphlets vehemently criticises conversion saying, “if a Hindu man is converted it means increase of one enemy. If a Hindu woman is converted it means increase of several enemies to the country.”
(When Hindu hatred inciting talks are given from Madarsas Muslims complain against these harmless pamphlets.Hindus need to learn about the alertness of the Muslims-Editor) Read more »

Student attending Christian school after Diksha beaten

A very bizarre incident symbolic of “Christian compassion” and “Christian Brotherhood” took place in a school called St Christ Church School in Andhra Pradesh a few days ago. A Hindu student Sarvesh Yadav studying in the fifth standard in this school was allegedly beaten up by his Christian teacher for attending the school with kumkum on his forehead and wearing a mala (garland) round his neck. He had gone to the school after taking the Ayappaswamy Diksha. It is understood that he was also not allowed to appear for his examinations.
(How many more such incidents should happen to wake up Hindus and the (pseudo) secular government before they really take strong action?-Editor) Read more »

Hussain paintings: Police to file final report by 7 Feb

NEW DELHI: A Delhi court has asked the city police to file its final investigation report by February 7 in a complaint against noted painter M F Hussain for allegedly portraying indecently Hindu gods and goddesses in his works and hurting religious feelings. Read more »

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