News Archive

CM assures to hold a meeting to discuss on ‘Maharashtra temple and Religious Institution act’

An Act is going to be passed by the State Government called as ‘Maharashtra temple and Religious Institution act (Management and Regulation) Act’. All religions have raised objection to this Law. Shri. Vilasrao Deshmukh, the Chief Minister of Maharashtra has assured that a meeting would be held shortly with the officers of Law and Justice. There were members from all religions like Hindu, Jain, Sikh, Parasis and Bohra-Muslims. Read more »

Aryan invasion: research will prove wrong

‘At Sinoli in Uttar Pradesh (U.P.), a place known for its association with the period of Mahabharat, 117 human skeletons belonging to the Bronze Age have been found during excavation. On further deep excavation, even gold was found. Therefore, if research is carried out, it is possible to unearth things that would take us to the Vaidik period. Also the view that Aryans did not belong here, they came from outside India, will be proved wrong. The above thoughts were expressed by Kokab Hamid, the Minister of Tourism, U.P while addressing a press conference. Read more »

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