News Archive

Pyrrhic victory for US Hindus

By Sandhya Jain

Hindus received unfair and unequal treatment in the matter of how sixth grade students in the public education system would be taught about the Hindu religion. Why should Hindu children be taught that “Hindus worship talking monkeys and throw widows into fires?” Why should the primordial stories in Hindu scriptures be branded as ‘myths’ when the scriptures of monotheistic traditions are said to come from Only One (mutually exclusive) God(s)? Read more »

"Kumbha Mela" Celebration Held in South California

Thousands of Hindus gathered Sunday at UC Irvine during a rare Kumbha Mela religious festival to help bring spiritual peace to devotees and to the world on the eve of Sept. 11. More than 18 Southern California organizations took part in the festival. Read more »

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