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The fight continues….

An alert Karma-Hindu Shree. Nityanand Bhadra had notified us about nude image of lord Shree Ganesha. Nude Shri Ganesha Image: Is it art? He did not stop there only just by informing us. He has already started the action. Many have written comments, but we do not have details about how many of them have really emailed the website. Today we need Hindus like Nityanand to make the difference. Remember, “Change occurs not by big miracles but by acts within reach of common man” – Editor Read more »

NCERT books disparage the Indian heritage

By Dr Maheep Singh

“We are told that Aurangzeb was annoyed because the Guru had converted a few Muslims to Sikhism.” Who told this story to Satish Chandra? He has not given the source of his information. Historians like Sir Jadunath Sarkar, Dr Indu Bhushan Banerjee, Dr Hari Ram Gupta or Dr Ganda Singh have not mentioned that Guru Tegh Bahadur had converted some Muslims to Sikhism. Read more »

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