News Archive

Pope John Paul torture famous scientist Hawking

Western media and so called intellects influenced by them , do not leave a single opportunity to tease Hinduism. In fact history shows that Christianity has concurred Europe with force and cheating. They tortured Galileo for supporting truth against Bible. It is happening even today. This is very nature of Christian popes to suppress facts under their “white” dresses. – Editor Read more »

Dharam Sena activists storm church

Since government is doing nothing against Christian Missionaries, Hindus have to act for own protection. HJS congratulates and supports to all who are fighting for Hinduism. – Editor Read more »

Vaidus (Hindus) refused to embrace Buddhism

All must learn a lesson for these proud Hindus. At the same time remember how Buddhism is trying to pollute Hindu minds. Remember Adi Shankaracharya who defeated Buddhism and reinstated Hinduism. This is again a time to repeat the history. – Editor Read more »

Mockery of ‘Vata-Pournima’ vow in TVS scooty advt

Christians, Muslims learn about their religion from very childhood and continue same through out their life. While Hindus never bother to learn the Hinduism. Ironically, they think, pooja, rituals are meaningless. Such grave ignorance results in mockery of Hinduism. – Editor Read more »

Anti Hindu face of Indian Express!

On 26th May 2006 Indian Express had published a story with heading The Unbearable Nakedness of Seeing. In the story; writer had abused Hindu Janajagruti Samiti as rabble-rousers. Read more »

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