News Archive

Great work by Hinduva organizations

Why Congress affilated organizations like Communist, Secular, Muslim never show their faces in national progress works. Why they are just interested in eating the cream of money and power. Because this is Hindustan and only Hindus feel that our country should progess and for that we need to work hard. – Editor Read more »

See, We are conspired!

Wake up now ! See, what we have lost!
Open your eyes, Sanskrit, Hindu Culture and Hindutva!! This is our real wealth. Without these, we are so poor! Let us fight to regain the lost glory of Bharat-Varsha! – Editor
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India becomes Easy nuclear-game

– By Bharat Karnad,
Professor at the Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi and author of Nuclear Weapons and Indian Security, second edition

Asian Age, June 14, 2004 Read more »

Muslims teaching Sanskrit in UP

Lord Macaulay had said in 1835 that if we preach Indian to love English and leave Sanskrit, they shall be dominated. Now Muslims recognised the power of Sanskrit and they are learning it. What about Hindus? We need to regain status of Sanskrit in BharatBhoomi, so that every Bharatvasi shall know the real mothertongue of this motherland. – Editor Read more »

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