News Archive

3 operatives of terror module with links to ISI arrested

The Delhi Police arrested three operatives of a suspected terror module with links to Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency, for planning attacks across India. The police also said that the suspects conducted recce at several locations in southern and western India and that incriminating material, including evidence that they were making explosives, were seized from them. Read more »

Sunil Ghanwat of HJS felicitated in Nagpur

The coordinator of the Maharashtra Mandir Mahasangh Mr Sunil Ghanwat obtained darshan of Sankatmochan Hanuman here and prayed for all hurdles in the establishment of Hindu Rashtra be removed and Hindu Rashtra be established soon. Mr Ghanwat was felicitated by Shri Ajaygiri ji Maharaj. Read more »

MP: Hindus protest against Hinduphobic cartoon by TOI cartoonist blaming cow-worshipping Hindus in Ujjain rape case

Hindu outfit Hindu Chetana Sewa Samiti held a massive protest against the Times of India (TOI) which recently targeted the Hindu religion through its cartoon on the Ujjain rape crime. The members of the Hindu organisation gathered at the Madhavganj railway station in Vidisha, Madhya Pradesh and burnt TOI newspaper copies in a show of rage against the publication. Read more »

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