Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav (2024) Day 4 – OTT and Hindi Film Industry

From left Vinodh Kumar (Editor, String Reveals, Karnataka), Uday Mahurkar (Founder, Save Culture Save India Foundation, Delhi), Praveen Chaturvedi (Founder & CEO, Prachyam), Ramesh Shinde (National Spokesperson, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti)


Those who spread obscenity must be booked for rape – Uday Mahurkar, Founder, Save Culture Save India Foundation, Delhi

Uday Mahurkar, Founder, Save Culture Save India Foundation, Delhi

Disturbing incidents such as brother raped sister, teacher raped female students, father raped daughter are happening in the society. We have been working against this attack on culture for the last 20 years. With the advent of OTT platforms in 2020, all limits of depravity have been crossed. On Alt Balaji (an OTT platform) a man is being shown having adulterous relations with his grandmother, stepmother, and daughter-in-law. Depictions of adultery of a man with his mother-in-law, sister-in-law, maidservant, neighbor are being shown. The country has not been harmed as much by those who invaded India, as much harm has been done through such depraved videos on OTT platforms. 80% of rapes happen after watching such videos. This is a conspiracy to destroy society. We are putting plans in place to stop this. Those who show such content belong in jail. Those who spread obscenity and harm the society in this manner should be booked for rape. They should be denied bail for 3 years. This attack on culture should be considered as treason, and there should be a strict law against it. 57 OTT platforms and other social media have been banned following our complaint. It is a fact that the government has not shown the alertness it should have shown to prevent this content, but I am sure steps will be taken to prevent this in future. This is not just a job for the government, but society should also be aware of this cultural attack, said Uday Mahurkar (Founder, Save Culture Save Bharat Foundation). He was speaking on obscenity in OTT platforms and the Save Culture, Save Nation Movement against it.

Pledge to make India a nation free of perverted content

Mr. Mahurkar further said that Netflix and X are used to promote pornography. Extremely perverted videos are broadcast. We have demanded that the central government ban pornography. The central government has made remarkable achievements in various fields in the last 10 years. Pornography has been banned in some Islamic countries. We too should pledge to make India free of perverted content.

The Hindu Janajagruti Samiti, which works for the protection of culture, is the most Sattvik organisation in the world!
Hindu Janajagruti Samiti is the most sattvik organisation in the world working for the protection of culture. There is not a single opportunist in this organisation!

Sanatan Sanstha is working to spread and protect culture!
Sanatan Sanstha is not a terrorist organization, but an organization that protects culture. If you want to ban, then Deoband, Tablighi Jamaat should be banned, said Uday Mahurkar.

Huge mass movement required for a Hindu Rashtra – Praveen Chaturvedi, Founder & CEO, Prachyam

Praveen Chaturvedi, Founder & CEO, Prachyam

Today the whole world is trying to destroy Hindu Dharma and culture. So we have to systematically get organised and face it. It is necessary to raise a mass movement with a blend of dharmikta (Piety) and adhyatmikta (Spirituality) to become a Hindu Rashtra. The Hindu Janajagruti Samiti is doing just this through the Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav, said Praveen Chaturvedi (Founder and CEO of Prachyam). He was speaking on the fourth day of the Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav (2024) on the role of Hindu OTT platform Prachyam in countering intellectual terrorism.

The idea behind Prachyam

Anti-Hindu forces are using films, TV channels, YouTube channels and social media very cleverly to spread fake narratives to alienate Hindus from their Dharma and culture. This planned conspiracy is being carried out from within the country and abroad. The aim is simply to ensure that the new generation of India should not feel proud of Hindu culture. To counter this fake narrative, the real history of India, Hindu Dharma and great culture will have to be presented before the people. The YouTube channel Prachyam stemmed from this idea.

Emergence of Prachyam as an OTT platform

The Shri Ram Mandir was ready for inauguration. A video by Prachyam on the struggle of the devotees of Shriram to reclaim Ramjanmabhoomi was uploaded to YouTube. Within an hour of airing it, YouTube pulled the video and even threatened to shut down the channel. This video was circulated on other social media to much acclaim and millions of views. Then YouTube reinstated the video. It is after this ban that Prachyam, the OTT platform of the Hindus, was started. This platform showcases videos about the great Indian culture, while spreading a good positive message among the Indian youth.


Videos produced by Prachyam on the Shri Ramjanmabhoomi struggle, Sahebs (covering the state of affairs pre and post independence) were shown to the audience.

Congress assurance to Muslims reason for independent India not being Hindu Rashtra – Ramesh Shinde, National Spokesperson, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti

Ramesh Shinde, National Spokesperson, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti

Maulana Arshad Madani, the national president of Jamiat-Ulema-e -ind, said in a public meeting that, “Even before independence, the Congress had assured the Muslims that India will not be made a Hindu Rashtra. That is why India did not become a Hindu nation. Article 368 of the Constitution states that the Government has complete power to amend the Constitution. The Constitution has already been amended 106 times, the 107th amendment can make India a Hindu Rashtra.

A video was circulated on social media of a little girl saying that India’s per capita income reduced after Modi came [became the PM]. However she was unable to answer what per capita income is, what the previous per capita income was, and what it is now. Hindus should realise that such fake narratives are being spread.

Anti-Hindu fake narratives being peddled

There is no Hindu terrorism anywhere in the world. There is no mention of Hindu Terrorism anywhere in America’s list of terrorists or in the list of terrorists on Wikipedia. But in India, a fake narrative of Hindu terrorism has been created. On the one hand it is projected that ‘terrorists have no religion’ and on the other a fake narrative of Hindu terrorism is peddled. The news site The Wire claims that ‘terrorism’ and ‘extremism’ are different, and that extremists are fighting the Indian Government for their rights. Terrorist organisations like Hamas are referred to as militant organisations on the BBC. Another example of narrative building is that those who massacred Kashmiri Hindus, raped women are not terrorists, but Hindus are definitely terrorists.

Focus on forces that seek to destroy the nation – Vinodh Kumar, Editor, String Reveals, Karnataka

Vinodh Kumar, Editor, String Reveals, Karnataka

The mission of Congress is to destroy India. Their plan is to discredit India in the world. They speak of breaking India by propping up fake narratives. These people have effectively used social media for this. It is necessary to focus on those forces that seek to destroy the nation, asserted Mr Vinodh Kumar (Editor, String Reveals).

Mr Kumar further said that when the Indian government implemented the CAA, NRC, and Agneepath schemes, these people ignited riots across the country. Creating chaos in India is part of an international conspiracy. Anti-national forces take to the streets and riot against the country’s policies. The nationalists are unable to counter these forces. People like George Soros have manipulated the outcome of elections by creating fake narratives. Hindus should try to utilise social media effectively to assert themselves.


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