Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav (2024) Day 4 : Efforts to create awareness about Dharma in rural areas

From Left Bharatacharya H.H. Prof. S.C. Shevde (Rashtriya Pravachankar and Kirtankar, Maharashtra), Balasubramaniam (Director, Mangaltirth Estate and Brookfield Estate, Tamil Nadu), Dr Bhaskar Raju V, Trustee, Dharma Margam Seva Trust, Telangana

Acts in Hindu Dharma based on spiritual and scientific thought – Shri Veerbhadra Shivacharya Mahaswamiji, Balehonnuru Khasa Shakha Matha, Srikshetra Siddharbetta, Tumkuru, Karnataka

Shri Veerbhadra Shivacharya Mahaswamiji, Balehonnuru Khasa Shakha Matha, Srikshetra Siddharbetta, Tumkuru, Karnataka

People from abroad also believe that peace is achieved only through Sanatan Dharma. Some forces are trying to destroy this Sanatan Hindu Dharma. All Saints, Hindu organisations and devout Hindus have to try to stop this. Only then will our Dharma survive. Spiritual as well as scientific thought underlies every action in Hindu Dharma. Adherents of other religions do not question their religion. But Hindus ask questions before practicing Dharma. So we need to tell Hindus the scientific reasons behind actions prescribed by Dharma said Shri Veerbhadra Shivacharya Mahaswamiji. Swamiji also blessed the Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav attendees for the fulfilment of their aim of Hindu Rashtra.

Should adopt an aggressive stance against anti-Hindu propaganda – Dr Bhaskar Raju V, Trustee, Dharma Margam Seva Trust, Telangana

Dr Bhaskar Raju V, Trustee, Dharma Margam Seva Trust, Telangana

Sanatan Dharma alone is the only truth in the whole universe, everything else isn’t. A fake propaganda is being spread by Christians, Muslims and atheists (Communists). Fake narratives are being created. In the face of this, the devout Hindus are adopting a defensive stance, but now the time has come that we need to take an aggressive stance to counter this fake propaganda, said Dr Bhaskar Raju V (Trustee of Dharma Margam Seva Trust, Telangana). He was speaking on the fourth day of the Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav.

Dr Bhaskar Raju further said that Christians and Muslims are heretics, while communists are traitors to the nation. The ideology of these people should be rejected. We must prepare narratives that counter and refute their fake narratives. For that, we as Hindus should set aside all kinds of differences and implement this aggressive policy in an organised manner. While doing that, words like heretics, jihadis, fanatics, conversion mafia, urban Naxal etc. should be used liberally.

It is necessary to create more Saints for the spread of Dharma! – Balasubramaniam, Director, Mangaltirth Estate and Brookfield Estate, Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Balasubramaniam, Director, Mangaltirth Estate and Brookfield Estate, Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Earlier, Hindus used to receive Sanskars (values) from temples. It is no longer the case due to government policies. So these sanskars can be obtained from Ashrams. The Saints and Mahatmas in the Ashram provide answers to people’s questions on Dharma, and the presence of a Saint or Mahatma in the village brings about a good change in the atmosphere. Therefore, more and more Saints should be created to spread Dharma in the society, said Balasubramaniam (Director, Mangaltirth Estate and Brookfield Estate, Chennai, Tamil Nadu) on the fourth day of the Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav.

He said, “Vedas, Puranas, Upanishads, Gita, Ramayana, Mahabharata etc. have reached us without even a single word undergoing any change. This happened only because of the Guru-disciple tradition. So we should respect the Guru-disciple tradition. It is our responsibility to pass on this precious knowledge to the next generation. Knowledge in our Dharma is our culture. Before British rule, there were lakhs of Gurukuls in India. So the society was receiving education on Dharma and moral values. Today rampant conversions are a result of lack of education on Dharma. Swami Vivekananda had said, ‘If children do not go to schools, schools should be brought to them’, we started Ekal Vidyalayas (single teacher school) in villages to provide education to forest dwellers. These schools impart a value based education to village children in a natural environment. In this way, 70 thousand Ekal Vidyalayas are running across the country.”

Many nationed referred to Manusmriti to prepare their laws! – Bharatacharya H.H. Prof. S.C. Shevde, Rashtriya Pravachankar and Kirtankar, Mumbai, Maharashtra

Bharatacharya H.H. Prof. S.C. Shevde, Rashtriya Pravachankar and Kirtankar, Mumbai, Maharashtra

The universe is eternal and the ruler of this universe is God. This universe is governed according to the Vedas. The system of the universe is such that the one who does injustice has to suffer the torments of hell, while the one who behaves righteously gets good results. Those who do not believe in God do not believe in this system. God created the Vedas as a means to understand Dharma. Old gold does not diminish in value. Similarly, though the Vedas are ancient, their knowledge is not outdated. God has infinite knowledge. Fire would consume wood even in Satyayuga, it does so in Kaliyuga too. The knowledge in the Vedas is similarly eternal. Manu was the first person on earth to say this. Manu was a king. When westerners did not even know how to wear clothes, Manu wrote Manusmriti. I find this Manu who has provided such knowledge reverential. Many countries refered to Manusmriti to prepare their laws. I appeal to you to not tolerate contempt of scriptures Manusmriti, Vedas, etc., said Bharatacharya H.H. Prof. S.C. Shevde. He was speaking on politics over Manusmriti.

Where there is Dharma there is victory! – H.H. Dr Shibnarayan Sen, Joint Secretary, Shastra Dharma Prachar Sabha, Kolkata

H.H. Dr Shibnarayan Sen, Joint Secretary, Shastra Dharma Prachar Sabha, Kolkata

Sant Pandit Upendra Mohan (Bengal) had a difficult early life. After marriage, he performed Chandipath on his wife’s request. Goddess has said in Chandipatha that ‘I remove all kinds of sorrows of those who recite Chandipatha’. He continued the Chandipath in order to experience this, which he did, after a year. Work that had been stalled reached completion. He continued reciting Chandipatha continuously. After two and a half years the Lord himself appeared before him and said to him, “Come with me, I have come to take you.” He refused to go with God. He said to God, “I will not come with you till I have told others how merciful you are. The world has forgotten God. And God is pained about this. I will not come till I have alleviated this pain.” H.H. Dr Sen narrated this instance from the life of Sant Pandit Upendra Mohan while addressing the audience in the Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav (2024). He was talking on the life and thoughts of Pt Upendra Mohan on Hindu Rashtra. Pt Upendra Mohan ji firmly believed that where there is Dharma, there is victory.

H.H. Dr Sen said that Pt Upendra Mohanji said that for 500 years Muslims looted India, destroyed temples, but they could not break the faith of Hindus. Although the invaders plundered India in large quantities, India’s economic position in the world was strong at that time. The British banned the teaching of Sanskrit in the country in 1936. Pt Upendra Mohanji, opposed this and told the British that betraying Sanskrit is a sin. Pt Upendra Mohanji became the District Magistrate. In this capacity, he tried to preserve Indian culture, tradition and ethical values. He then resigned from the post. He condemned the genocide orchestrated by Germany. He said that Germany and Japan would have to bear the fruits of their wrongdoing, and it happened.

It is necessary to organise Hindu intellectuals in every state! – Mohan Gowda, State Spokesperson (Karnataka), Hindu Janajagruti Samiti

Mohan Gowda, State Spokesperson (Karnataka), Hindu Janajagruti Samiti

Information about the interfaith marriage of a Hindu doctor with a Muslim daily wage labourer was published in newspapers based on information from a marriage registration bureau in Karnataka. Within 2 hours of the message being circulated on social media, a Muslim man appealed to the police to take action on the matter. Some Muslim advocates met the Chief Minister about this and demanded that the registration office should not share such details. Just a single message managed to unite Muslims within 2 days. Hindus also need to create this type of communication network. For this, the Hindu intellectuals need to be organised. And the Hindu Janajagruti Samiti is carrying out this task in various states. The aim is to create a pressure group and also be able to effectively counter ideological attacks on Hindu Dharma.

Felicitation of Saints

H.H. Bharatacharya (Prof.) Suresh Gajanan Shevde (Rashtriya Pravachankar and Kirtankar, Mumbai, Maharashtra) being felicitated by Mr Chetan Rajhans (National Spokesperson, Sanatan Sanstha)


H.H. (Dr) Shibnarayan Sen (Deputy Secretary, Shastra Dharma Prachar Sabha, Kolkata, Bengal) being felicitated by Mr Vishwanath Kulkarni (State Coordinator, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti, East Uttar Pradesh and Bihar)


Shri Veerbhadra Shivacharya Mahaswamiji (Balehonnuru Khasa Shakha Matha, Srikshetra Siddharbetta, Tumkuru, Karnataka) being felicitated by Chandra Moger (Coordinator, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti, Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka)


Shri Hanumantnabh Mahaswamiji being felicitated by Sharath Kumar Naik (Coordinator, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti, Uttar Kannada, Karnataka)


Shri Kharad Veerbasav Mahaswamiji being felicitated by Sharath Kumar Naik (Coordinator, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti, Uttar Kannada, Karnataka)

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