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Karnataka : Attack on Deity Shri Ganesh Idol immersion procession in Mandya with petrol bombs

  • More than 500 Fanatics attack the procession near the Dargah

  • Multiple Hindu shops were set on fire, causing damages worth crores

  • Stones and slippers were thrown by the Fanatic mob

  • Congress-ruled Police accused of being mere spectators

  • Police pressured Hindus to stop the procession

Mandya (Karnataka) : On the night of 11th September, a procession for the immersion of Deity Shri Ganesh Idol was being held in Badarikoppal, Nagamangala. A mob of 500 religious fanatic fanatics started pelting stones as the procession reached a Dargah on Mysuru Road. They also threw slippers, glass bottles, and petrol bombs. Sharp swords were brandished at Hindus, and the mob chanted “Allahu Akbar.” In response, Hindus began chanting “Jai Shriram.” The fanatic mob turned violent, setting nearby shops and vehicles on fire, resulting in losses worth crores for the Hindu community. The Hindus retaliated, and Police intervened with baton charges to control the situation. A case has been registered, and the Police arrested 53 people. (Typical behaviour of secular Police ! In cases of riots, it is necessary to first take action against the Police who, in the name of maintaining ‘balance,’ arrest innocent Hindus who defend themselves, along with the rioting fanatics – Editor) In protest of the riots, Bajrang Dal and Vishwa Hindu Parishad called for a bandh on 12th September.

Highlights of the Incident

  • Hindus placed the Deity Shri Ganesh idol outside the Police station and protested, demanding action against fanatics. A similar incident occurred at the same Dargah last year.
  • District Collector Dr Kumar visited the site, reporting heightened tensions in Nagamangala. As a result, a curfew was imposed until 14th September, with additional Police forces deployed.
  • Additional Police Commissioner Hitendra also visited the area to assess the situation.
  • Union Minister H D Kumaraswamy stated that “the Government is appeasing one group, leading to increased fanaticism among them.”

Police inaction during the attack on Hindus

A local eyewitness told a news channel that when the 500 fanatics attacked, they felt like they were in Pakistan, Bangladesh, or Afghanistan. Four Police officers and 15 Hindus were injured during the stone pelting. Allegedly, the Police were passive, lathi-charging Hindus instead of stopping the fanatic attackers, even urging the procession to halt. Some officers were heard using offensive language against Hindus. Local Congress leader Rajesh was seen alongside the Police, encouraging Hindus to retreat.

This incident is very serious – Chief Minister Siddaramaiah

Chief Minister Siddaramaiah described the incident as detrimental to law and order, stating that the Government is taking it very seriously. (In a Congress-ruled State that appeases fanatics, it would not be surprising if these rioters are let loose in the future – Editor)

Why are Hindus arrested when fanatics rioted ? – BJP MLA C T Ravi

The riots in Nagamangala are purposeful violence by communal hooligans. I strongly condemn the action of the Police who arrested the members of the procession committee instead of arresting the fanatic rioters who incited the riots by throwing petrol bombs. A high-level inquiry should be made in this regard and strict action should be taken.

Take swift action against the culprits and provide security to other Ganesh Utsavs – Hindu Janajagruti Samiti

The Hindu Janajagruti Samiti has issued a press release regarding this attack. The State Coordinator of the Samiti, Guruprasad Gowda, stated that observing the actions of the religious fanatical fanatics, it is evident that the attack was completely premeditated and intended to incite riots. The Hindu Janajagruti Samiti strongly condemns this incident. It is shameful that such a large-scale attack occurred despite the presence of the Police. Immediate action should be taken against those found guilty among those arrested by the Police. There are many Districts across the State where Deity Shri Ganesh idol immersion processions are yet to take place. Therefore, the Police department should ensure strict vigilance to prevent incidents like the one in Mandya from happening elsewhere.

The press release further mentions that Home Minister Dr Parameshwar called the incident unexpected and stated that there were no significant injuries or loss of life. The Samiti strongly condemns this irresponsible statement, as such remarks only embolden religious fanatics. The Samiti also highlighted that despite stone-pelting by religious fanatics, the arrest of members of the Ganesha procession committee once again exposes Congress’s appeasement policies. During the Eid Milad celebration in Shivamogga, the Home Minister had similarly called the riot there an accidental incident. Now, with this similar statement, he has become the target of public outrage.

Dargahs and mosques have become a haven for anti-national and anti-Hindu activits

In many places in India, Hindu religious processions are attacked when they pass near mosques or Dargahs. Despite evidence of anti-national activities occurring in many mosques in India, why aren’t they being shut down ? In Mandya, for the second time, a Hindu Deity Shri Ganesh idol immersion procession was attacked near a Dargah on Mysuru Road. Isn’t it shameful that many ‘secular’ Hindus in India still visit Dargahs and bow their heads ?

Editorial Perspective

  • For attacks on Hindu Ganesh festival processions to happen in Mandya, is Mandya in India or in Bangladesh ?
  • When an attack happens on a Hindu Deity’s immersion procession, and the Police do not protect Hindus but instead retreat, will it be wrong if Hindus begin to exercise their constitutional right to self-defence ?
  • In Congress-ruled states, from Himachal Pradesh to Karnataka, Hindus are being attacked. It is worth noting that in Shimla, when Hindus protest against an illegal mosque, they are brutally beaten by the Police, and in Mandya, when fanatics attack Hindu processions, the Police insist that Hindus stop their procession.
  • Are the Police who remain passive when fanatics attack and ask only Hindus to stop their procession from India or Pakistan ? Such Police forces should first be disbanded.

Source : sanatan Prabhat

Tags : Attacks

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