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Victory over Urban Naxalism is certain if united power stands together ! – Shri. Chakravarthy Sulibele, Founder, Yuva Brigade

The ‘Anti-National Conspiracy and Urban Naxalism’ program by Hindu Janajagruti Samiti successfully held in Bengaluru !

Bengaluru : Urban Naxalites receive unlimited funding from non-governmental organizations, and they are assisted in various ways to carry out anti-national activities. Many universities are also supporting this Urban Naxalism, and at an international level, universities, art fields, and social media have spread their network everywhere. Even the United States uses its ambassadors for such activities. Foreigners, who don’t even know who Gauri Lankesh was, are giving awards in her name, claiming she fought for India’s democracy, which is also part of the hidden agenda of this Urban Naxalism. If we all come together and fight against this, we can push them back. This is not the first attack on India; many invasions have taken place before, and we have triumphed. Here too, if there is united strength, victory is certain, said Shri. Chakravarthy Sulibele, Founder of Yuva Brigade. He expressed his confidence while speaking at the ‘Anti-National Conspiracy and Urban Naxalism’ program organized by Hindu Janajagruti Samiti on Wednesday, September 4, at the Manandi Nanjundi Setti Auditorium in Bengaluru.

Hindu Ecosystem is essential to end the Left Ecosystem ! – Shri. Chandra Mogaveera, Coordinator, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti

Today, Urban Naxalism is being widely propagated through social media, OTT platforms, and films. History itself is being distorted, and false narratives are being set against Hindu organizations. Over the past few years, more than 14,000 killings, including police officers, have been carried out by Naxalites according to official records. Many Hindu organization activists have been killed. However, this is not widely discussed in the media, but when so-called intellectuals like Dabholkar, Pansare, Kalburgi, and Gauri Lankesh are killed, there is a national discussion. This is part of the Urban Naxalism conspiracy. Recently, the web series ‘IC814 Kandahar Hijack’ distorted history by showing that the plane was hijacked by Hindus, and there are many other pieces of misinformation presented in the series. Through such media, the Left Ecosystem is growing, and to end this, strengthening the Hindu Ecosystem is essential, said Shri Chandra Mogaveera, Coordinator of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti.

Finally, senior intellectual and former MLA Dr. S. R. Leela spoke, saying that since the time of the Mahabharata, a conflict between Dharma and Adharma has existed in this country. Back then too, deceptive tactics were used to defeat the Pandavas, but with the grace of Lord Krishna and the united fight of the warriors of Dharma, victory was achieved. Now, an intellectual war like Urban Naxalism is happening. If people believe that Dharma will win on its own and do nothing, it will not happen. Everyone must unite and win this intellectual war, only then will the nation survive, she said. More than 250 Nationalists participated in this program, and over 2,000 people watched the live broadcast of the event.

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