Thiruvananthapuram : Four days after joining the CPM, senior RSS leader and former Hindu Aikya Vedi secretary P. Padmakumar returned to the outfit, saying that he was wrong in his decision to join the Left party.
“I have worked for RSS for over four decades and I erred for half-an-hour,” Padmakumar said at a memorial meet of K.T. Jayakrishnan Master, a school teacher and Yuva Morcha leader, who was killed in front his students by CPM workers in 1999.
Padmakumar also sought apologies from other RSS workers for his ‘mistake’.
“In CPM, I felt that I was a nationalist who got stuck among ISIS terrorists. RSS is the only outfit that offers hope in the country,” Padmakumar added.
A press release issued by the BJP also claimed that 20 DYFI workers joined the BJP at the event.
Protesting against the ‘politics of violence’ and demonetization of high value currency notes, Padmakumar had announced his decision to end his 42 years of ties with RSS and join the Communist party at a press meet in the state capital November 27, Tuesday.
Source : Manorama