The “Goa Files” program, which exposes the history of unjustified atrocities and the genocide of Hindu and Christian ancestors in Goa, will be held in…
Inspired by the movie ‘The Kashmir Files’, the convener of an educational institute in Karnataka has announced free education for children of Kashmiri Pandits
Former RSS sanghchalak Subhash Velingkar said a campaign ‘The Goa Files’ will be launched from May 3, to make Bhagwan Parshuram ‘Goencho Saib.’
NBA legend Dwight Howard is on a visit to India and he is enjoying his time in Varanasi. Howard said that this spiritual journey has rejuvenated…
Convent schools have been using different media to convert people. HJS hosted a special online discussion program ‘Christian Convents or Centres of Conversion?’.
The New York Senate and State Assembly dropped the reference to Hindu Swastika as an ‘anti-Semitic’ and ‘fascist symbol’ in their bills ‘S7680’ and ‘A9155’.
A displacement order issued by the railway authorities in Agra to relocate a temple situated near the Raja Ki Mandi railway station has stirred up…
Hindu Rashtra is the only solution to all problems faced by Hindus !- Aditya Shastri, HJS
‘Hindu Rashtra-jagruti Sabha’ was organised by HJS at Darewadi on the occasion of Shriram Navami. The ‘sabha’ was attended by more than 100 men and…
Contribute to the mission of establishment of Hindu Nation by taking inspiration from our Hindu Kings and revolutionaries ! – Yogesh Thakur, HJS