Mumbai : Earlier, in some cases, Dr. D. B. Marg police station has taken action against those persons for taking photographs of such idols.
Indians should be trained how to act after such bomb blasts or in natural calamities. Many victims of such accidents/incidents may get permanent damage to…
Bhadrapad Shuddha Chathurdashi
Those, who undertake spiritual practice or are saints, can get and are getting spiritual experiences in this matter.
But what is surprising is that most of the terrorist activities are repeatedly pointing to one single religious community, globally, and that is the Muslim…
Bhadrapad Shuddha Trayodashi
Washington: The Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission has called on President Bush and congressional leaders to intervene to bring an end to anti-Christian…
Mumbai : Dr. Shubha Raul, the mayor of Mumbai has declared that it is compulsory to use Plaster of Paris (PoP) collected from artificial water…
Sangola : It was also claimed that the dead body can become alive.
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