Udupi (Karnataka): Under the auspicious of VHP and Bhajarang Dal a protest meeting against killing of Saint Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati in Orissa was held in…
We should help Police in finding terrorists. There should be economic boycott on Muslims. If we put this embargo for sometime, it will help them…
Bhadrapad Shuddha Pratipada
Shravan Krushna Amavasya
Jelaspota (Orissa): While violence rages across Kandhamal district, in the ashram, where its spark was lit when Swami Lakshmanananda Saraswati and four others were killed…
Through untiring efforts spanning four decades, Swamiji succeeded in awakening the Kandhs. This in turn posed a major threat to the political and economic hegemony…
Ponda (Goa): The said photo-exhibition displayed 16 charts containing pictures of idol desecration and information in this regard.
Shravan Krrushna Amavasya
Christian Institutes are protesting for violence against Christians, but why they didn’t protested against murder of Hindu Monk Swami Lakshamanandaji?
Shravan Krushna Dwadashi