In the course of its arguments on Rama Setu, the Supreme Court had asked two questions, to read in detail….
Reno (Nevada, USA): Inaugural ceremonies include three-day Akhand Path (non-stop recital of the Sikh scripture) starting today.
Tamil Nadu: These Christians, a mix of Protestants and Roman Catholics were originally Hindus and their forefathers had converted to Christianity five generations back.
Thane (Maharashtra): People attending the meetings were motivated to offer everything like body, mind and wealth and whole-heartedly participate in the ‘Dharma-sabha’.
Kumali (Kerala-TN Border): This temple is dedicated to Kannaki whose husband, Kovalan was mistakenly beheaded by the king.
Rama Gopalan, the Hindu Munnani Organizer requested the Police to stop the puja-function to be conducted.
Chaitra Krushna Chaturthi
Phonda (Goa): It is a matter of shame that the temples in the land of Parashuram are vandalized and the police machinery is unable to…
Great Indians Made Great Developments
New York: The Forum for the Protection of Religious Pluralism held a peaceful demonstration outside the United Nations headquarters during Pope address to United Nations…