Uttar Pradesh: After the devastating serial bomb blasts at Jaipur on Tuesday, Uttar Pradesh police have received a threatening letter of ‘bloodshed’ by a terrorist…
Vaishakh Shuddha Trayodashi
Dhaka: Members of the Hindu community have lost 26 lakh acres of land from 1965 to 2006, while an estimated one crore Hindus were forced…
Hubli (Karnataka): Karnataka Govt. and EC declined permission to HJS to hold Dharmajagruti Sabha; But allowed pro-Muslim organization to hold public meeting.
Treatment for Hindus
Vaishakh Shuddha Ekadashi
Guwahati: With Bangladesh-based terror outfit HuJI under scanner for carrying out the Jaipur blasts, Assam’s porous border has become the focus of intelligence agencies.
Chandigarh: Digging into the mythological references of the Saraswati, the Haryana government has decided to undertake explorations to locate the holy river’s aquifers.
USA: The Hindu leader Rajan Zed broke another ground on Sunday by organizing first Hindu Baccalaureate Service at a respected university in Western USA. It…
Vaishakh Shuddha Dashami