Chennai: Even while chief minister M. Karunanidhi and his cabinet colleagues swear that Lord Rama is only a mythological character and the Rama Sethu a…
“These funds have been used to help Pakistan prosecute the war on terror along the Pakistan-Afghan border,” Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central…
Dhanbad (Bihar): A district sub-judge gave the order on a petition over a dispute involving a temple at Dahaiya locality where Lord Ram and Lord…
Hyderabad: This has an echo in the ancient Indian epic, the Ramayana. According to the epic, such a bridge was built by Lord Rama and…
In order to change this people should unite !
Khed (Maharashtra): Shri. Vilas Bhuvad of the HJS and Shri. and Sau. Todkari of the Sanatan Sanstha welcomed Maharaj.
Mumbai (Maharashtra): “She has a hatred for Hindus. She speaks against Hindus and chooses to remain silent when atrocities are committed against the community,” said…
Kolkata: “Ram was born in the imagination of poets and Ram Sethu is a natural formation under the sea,” Bhatacharjee told a meeting to mark…
Amravati (Maharashtra): Hindus who denigrate Hindu deities are themselves enemies of Hinduism. – Editor
New Delhi: India’s entry in Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) continue to be resisted by Malaysia on the grounds that APEC should be regionally rigorous,…