On the occasion of Ganesh festival, a competition of drawing Sri Ganesh’s pictures was organized for school children on behalf of ‘Dainik Samna’ and ‘Sundaram’…
In the ‘Bal-rang’ supplement of Loksatta, Sri Ganesh has been shown like a schoolboy wearing uniform as also in form of vegetables. Besides, an appeal…
Daily Sanatan Prabhat
Daily Sanatan Prabhat
In the ‘Peace Committee’ meeting held at Miraj, Nazir Zari, a member of Surajya Party has made false allegations against ‘Dainik Sanatan Prabhat’ and made…
On the day of Anant Chaturdashi, organizations like ANS (Andhashradha Nirmulan Samiti – Committee for Eradication of Blind Faith) carry out their campaigns against immersion…
A city court today directed Delhi police to investigate a complaint filed against noted painter M F Hussain for allegedly hurting religious sentiments by painting…
Message by H.H. Bramheshanand Swamiji of Goa
Shri. Hanumantrao Jagatap, the newly elected Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Sri Siddhivinayak Temple Trust assured delegation of Hindu Jana- jagruti Samiti (HJS) that suggestions…
Shri. Arun Dudhvadkar, a Shiv Sena leader had taken out a march to the office of Mid-Day and asked for explanation from the managing committee…