TN temple priests seek 50% offerings – By R. Bhagwan Singh
[Ref: Sveriges Radio International Radio Sweden]Swedish NGO Concerned about Christianity Condition for Tsunami Aid
By: V K Rastogi January 5, 2006
Highlights:* Children were enthusiastically following the march and shouting, “Hindu Dharm Ki Jai”* All Muslim brethren at the Dadar Tourist Center signed the Petition.* Policemen…
-Efforts for uniting Hindus at various levels-Hindu Janjagruti Samiti’s campaign against M.F.Hussain speeds up
Hindu Janjagruti Samiti’s campaign against M.F. Hussain’s blasphemous paintings
Hindu Janjagruti Samiti burns down a statue of M.F. Hussain in a rally. \"Bandh\" gets 100% response
– Maharashtra up in arms against the mad artist – 7 days deadline given to the Government
Maharashtra stands unitedly against Hussain’s psycho-maniacal blasphemous artistry!
The scientific Talibanism of ANS
2005-12-26 Published by Hindu Herald Gathered by