05.05.2006, Daund, Pune.Jagadguru Ramanandacharya Swami Narendracharyaji Maharaj to convert 500 families to Hinduism.
(Ref: ‘Hindus! Just read and be complacent’ � Editor: Prof. Avadhut Shastri, 9th August 2004)
Are devotees of Shri Ganesha selfish to just ask from God and be seated even though Govt loots deities’ offerings?
(Ref. � Hindus, just read and do nothing about it, editor: Prof. Avadhut Shastri, 9th August 2004)
03.05.2006The Spiritual Power of Hindu Temples.
03.05.2006Dahanu, Maharashtra
01.05.2006 : Anant Shri Vibhushit Jagadguru Ramanandacharya Swami Narendracharya Maharaj re-converts 1151 to Hinduism on Maharashtra Day!
01.05.2006 “Hussain should be severely punished and not awarded.” – His Holiness Swami Krishnananda, Ramadas Mission.