Such Hindus are the strength of Hinduism
The Global denigration of Hinduism and Hindu Spirituality seen open eyed by Hindus!
The shopkeeper who stopped selling the pens with deities picture on it.
Hindus (non) adopting Christian religion only for the material benefits by forgetting the greatness of Hindu religion
Are you complacent ? Will you ignore this ? If you do not protest against Yahoo as directed below, or do not comment, you are…
Hindus who perform worship just for the sake of formality !
Spreading Christian religion- Conspiracy of luring people by selling books in the temple of Durga Ma
Opposition by the Sanatan seekers of the Christians spreading Christian religion
“What has Jesus given you even after so many years of worship ?” – Sanatan’s Seeker, asks a convert.
The Sorry state of Hindu Dharma!
re-converted Hindus blessed by Several Saints and Mahants from different Akhadas.