Do your bit selflessly for Dharma by forgetting your post, status and keeping away other distractions ! – Manoj Khadye, HJS-Coordinator, Gujarat State, West Maharashtra…
Increasing population of fanatics in the country is the root-cause of the partition of Bharat ! – Sunil Ghanavat, HJS- State Coordinator for Maharashtra and…
Man can lead a successful and happy life only when he tries to grow spiritually along with his development in the material world ! –…
Be ready for protection of God, nation and Dharma by remembering valour exhibited by our brave kings ! – Nilesh Shete, HJS
Vaccination for Bangladeshi-Rohingya intruders, while opposition to Pakistan displaced Hindus; what kind of secularism is this ? – Jay Ahuja, Nimittekam, Rajasthan
Outcome of agitations staged by ‘Vishalgad Rakshan and Atikraman-virodhi Kruti Samiti’ : Assistant Director of Archaeology paid a visit to Vishalgad and 15 days’ notice…
Dharam Pratap Singh, who had become David after converting to Christianity, had insisted on the burial of his Hindu mother, refused to cremate her
Temple-trustees should jointly make efforts for teaching sadhana to people ! – Pujya Nilesh Singbal, HJS’s Guide for East and North-East Bharat
Businessmen should try to participate in activities related to protection of the nation and Dharma while carrying on with their business ! – Ravindra Prabhudesai,…
Warner Brothers, a film production company from the USA also makes videos related to children’s education. In one of such videos, there has been distortion…