The Karnataka government has banned the release or broadcast of the movie ‘Hamare Baarah’ in the state for two weeks or until further notice. The…
After many years of persistent efforts, the Maharashtra government issued an order on June 4th, 2019, to change the names of liquor shops and beer…
A few religious fanatics offered namaz on the road; therefore, Police registered a case against them. Police Inspector Somashekar, who took note of this illegal…
Some officials from the ‘Bar Council of Maharashtra and Goa’ have launched a campaign demanding that the image of the ‘Indian Goddess of Justice’ replace…
Netflix is a serial offender when it comes to Hindumisic content. Time and again, the Hindu Janajagruti Samiti has brought Netflix’s transgressions to the fore.…
On behalf of the Hindu Janajagruti Samiti, a statement addressed to the Union Home Minister was submitted to the Collector of Mumbai.
A 15-day Shaurya Jagriti Varg held by the Hindu Janajagruti Samiti recently concluded at Omali village (Chiplun taluka) here. The participants were awarded with certificates…
The Hindu Janajagruti Samiti has called for strict action against those planning to burn the Hindu scripture ‘Manusmriti’. This demand follows a public appeal by…
Altaf assaulted the Sadhivs after they asked him to stay away since they practice austerity and maintain distance from men
Two Pune-based agents who had played a key role in assisting the twenty infiltrators in creating Indian documents were also arrested during the probe.