UP CM Yogi Adityanath had recently allowed devotees to have ‘darshan’ of ancient and spiritually significant holy ‘Akshayavat’ at Prayag. For 450 years, devotees were…
Naamdindi (chanting procession), collective chanting programs, representations, demonstrations, posters, signature drives as part of campaign undertaken by thousands of Shriram devotees !
Stop playing with religious sentiments of billions of Hindus and immediately pass an Act for construction of Ram-Mandir ! – Hindu Janajagruti Samiti
Program chanting Shriram’s name was jointly held by ‘Shivayoddha Sanghatana’ and HJS at VHP’s Hall at Khadapabandh, Ponda. Similar program was held by HJS chanting…
An ancient and spiritually significant ‘Akshayavat (banyan tree)’ which was inaccessible for the past 450 years and ‘Saraswati-kup’ were opened for Hindu devotees by the…
Shriram naamjap abhiyan was taken up throughout India from 8th to 10th January, 2019. The abhiyan demands construction of Ram Mandir in Ayodhya.
HJS and various other pro-Hindu organisations organised andolans, Maha-aarti, Chanting of Shriram’s Name and Naamdindi processions on 9th and 10th of January at various places
Participate actively in the mission of Sanatan Sanstha and HJS trying for establishing Hindu Rashtra : Bhagvatacharya Padmanabh Vyas Maharaj
Guidance by Hindu Janajagruti Samiti’s National spokesperson Shri. Ramesh Shinde in Vishakhapattanam on ‘Importance of Dharma in human life’
Hindu Rashtra-jagruti Sabha was organised by HJS in Vahal (Sawarde), Chiplun. Dharmapremi from Vahal, Abitgao, Shirsinge were present in the sabha