This two-day Hindu Convention was attended by devout Hindu activists from 25-30 organizations from Vijaypur, Jamakhindi, Mahalingapur, Talikot, Nidagunji, Bagalkot districts
‘Hindu Rashtra-jagruti Sabha’ was held on 25th Novembe that was organized by HJS and local residents. About 70 devout Hindus attended the ‘sabha’.
Ban must be imposed on Kedarnath movie for promoting love jihad, was the demand made during demonstrations staged under ‘Rashtriya Hindu Andolan
“If someone is gay and is searching for the Lord and has good will, then who am I to judge him?”, the Pope had said…
Enact law for protection of religious traditions observed at Sabarimala Temple ! : Demand made by devout Hindu activists during RHA held at New Delhi
Devout Hindu activists from various pro-Hindu organizations are accused, detained and unnecessarily beaten up by police. They do not then dare again to work for…
Court’s door are opened at midnight in this country for hearing Yakub Memon’s case; but priority cannot be given to Ram Mandir case, though it…
Learning first aid for using it for protection of citizens during period of crisis is the need of the hour ! – Sadguru Satyawan Kadam
‘Hindu Rashtra-jagruti Sabha’ was held by Hindu Janajagruti Samiti with the help of local residents of Moi on 24th November at Maruti Temple
Demonstrations were staged by devout Hindu activists on 29th November at 12.00 noon outside District Collector’s office for various demands