The 19-year-old, Sajid Shaikh allegedly raped and beat the teen repeatedly. Her paternal uncle, who arranged the wedding, Sajid and his father Mustafa (55), who…
Meetings held at various places under ‘Hindu Rashtra Sampark Abhiyan’ by HJS at Ranoli (Dist. Sikar) and Mukundgad in Rajasthan
Revival of undivided Bharat is not an easy task; it will need striving hard with valour; but for that, awakening valour is necessary amongst Hindus,…
When a ruler is unable to change the circumstances in the nation then it is the responsibility of the subject to change it : Sadguru (Dr.)…
Deport Bangladeshi infiltrators not only from Assam but also the country ! : Demand by devout Hindus
6th August 2018 is going to be celebrated as ‘Sanskrit Din’. Sanskrit means sacred and glorifying legacy of Hindu culture ! Books published by Sanatan are…
Every student feels that he has no time to remember God; but with proper planning of time, one can undertake spiritual practice along with studies,…
On the occasion of 15th August campaign of creating awareness about respecting the national flag, various activities were taken up by HJS
Hindus need to study their Dharma and try to abide by it because strength acquired through spiritual practice is necessary for establishment of Hindu Rashtra
In Mumbai, more than 500 people were explained the issue of ‘Maintaining honour of National Flags and Good Governance !