Madhya Pradesh police in Barwani district of the state have arrested a couple identified as Anar Singh Jamre (35) and his wife Laxmi Jamre (32)…
The Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) has pulled up the State government for utter mismanagement of temples and poor upkeep of important records…
A Delhi court has rejected a petition filed that sought the restoration of temples situated in Quwwat Ul-Islam mosque located at the Qutub Minar complex…
The Save Sharda Committee (SSC) campaigning to start the pilgrimage to Sharda Peeth temple situated in Pakistan occupied Kashmir (POK), laid the foundation stone of…
A scheduled performance by comedian Munawar Faruqui later this month in the city has been cancelled after the organisers “received several calls to drop him”…
The creation of a parallel economy based on such a religion in secular India is very serious from the point of view of national security…
Shri. Manoj Khadye of the HJS has been creating awareness through ‘Sampark Abhiyans’ regarding the Halal Economy across Gujarat, Western Maharashtra and Konkan districts. Businessmen,…
Due to ‘halal’ economy, the minority fanatics are running a kind of dictatorship over the majority. Therefore, the Devgad Taluka Suvarnakar Sanghatan has demanded that…
Awareness programs for businessmen were held at Vengurla, Malvan and Kudal. In Malvan, Devgad, Kudal and other places, traders, businessmen and various organizations submitted petitions…
Former Uttar Pradesh Shia Central Waqf Board chairman Wasim Rizvi has embraced Hinduism at a temple in Ghaziabad. Reports say that Rizvi was converted to…