With the initiative of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) demonstrations were staged at Bombay Restaurant Chowk on Koregaon Road under auspices of ‘Rashtriya Hindu Andolan’ which…
For decades, our standard history school textbooks have been filled with Marxist lies and blatant anti-Hindu bias. One only gets fleeting glimpses of our past…
Few anti-national rulers are also openly supporting Yakub, Kanhaiya and Ishrat jehan, a terrorist of Lakshkar-e-Tayba. There is, therefore, need for Hindus to unite and…
Ranaragini Division, Solapur, promoted by Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) held a program on 15th May in the city of Shri Siddharameshwar with the blessings of…
Madhya Pradesh Government had held ‘Vichar-Mahakumbha’ during Simhastha Parva and during its second session on how to lead successful life by taking path of righteousness,…
Devotees of Karveernivasini Shri Mahalakshmidevi will regularly get ‘prasad laddu’ from 16th May; but the cost of ‘laddu’ has been increased by Rs. 3 and…
Pujya Swami Chidambaranandaji Maharaj of ‘Vid-Sadhana Sadhyam Trust’ had organized a conference of Saints on the subject ‘Nation and Dharma in danger : Why are…
‘Akhil Bharatvarshiya Dharmasangha and Swami Karapatri Foundation Shibir’ has planned to perform ‘Shri Gayatri Mahayadhya’ with 100 ‘Kundas’ and 10 million ‘aahuti (oblation)’ during 14th…
Shri. Vishnu Prasad Baral of ‘Nepal Hindu Rashtra Punarsthapana Manch (NHRPM)’ who had started a movement called ‘Hindu Rashtra Lyau – Nepal Bachau’ visited the…
Christians from Kerala are now keeping in their churches, a lamp-stand as kept in temples; but there is a ‘Cross’ on its top. Incidents of…