Thane (Maharashtra): HJS celebrated its 8th Anniversary here. The program was also attended by Shiv Sena MP Mr. Manohar Joshi. Various social activities were carried…
Hindu Janajagruti Samiti’s 8th anniversary and HJS website’s 3rd anniversary celebrations held in Bhagyanagar. It got overwhelming response from devout Hindus.
In a meeting recently held by ‘Jai Bhavani Bahu – uddeshiya Mandal’ in Supreme Colony, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) held guidance on ideal way of…
HJS cordially invite all Hindus for its 8th Anniversary function to be held on 10th October 2010 at Vanita Vikas Mandal Hall, Vanita Vikas Vidyalay,…
The activities started by Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) will complete 8 years. Anniversary programs have been organized on this occasion in Maharashtra and other States.
A girl studying in Shri. Shivaji Science College used to wear a ‘Cross’. Miss Madhuri Duse attending ‘Dharmashikshan’ classes held by Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS)…
‘Dharma-shikshan’, ‘Dharmajagruti’ and Hindu unity are the needs of the hour , said Mr. Vinay Panwalkar while addressing at Dapoli (Maharashtra) in a program organised…
“Hindus must get trained in matters related to Dharma and follow ‘Dharmacharan’. Dharma gives inspiration to fight back and increases mental and spiritual strength, ”…
It is need of hour that Hindus should unite for protecting Hindu Dharma. Hindus are also facing demon of ‘Love Jihad’. Congress is looking to…
The existence of God is the base of Hindu culture. The condition of country and citizens is deteriorating because of blindly following western culture.