Mangaon (Maharashtra): Recently Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha held here successfully, which was organised by HJS. Around 500 devout Hindus attended the Sabha.
Navi Mumbai: The Government is hatching a plot to destroy the ‘Ram-setu’ when proof is available for its existence. The corrupt politicians are responsible for…
A rally was organised in Kalyan (Mumbai) by HJS for making people aware about the upcoming ‘Dharma-sabha’. About 175 devout Hindus participated in the rally.
To decide about the further course of action post Dharmasabha, a follow up meeting was held in Sriram Temple in New Panvel.
Ernakulum (Kerala): Mr. Pradish Vishwanath of ‘Hindu Helpline’ said that Hindus have to wake up for protection of Dharma. He addressed the Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha…
Pune (Maharashtra): In countries like England, France, Germany etc., one does not have to appeal to the people to come together; but in Hindustan, Hindus…
Solapur (Maharashtra): During the Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha held at Sri Veertapasvi Temple Hall in Akkalkot area, Solapur held recently, an appeal was made to Hindus…
Loni (Maharashtra): recently Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha held here successfully, which was organised by HJS. Around 350 devout Hindus were present for the Sabha.
Belora (Maharashtra):” Following ‘Dharmasanskar’ is essential to keep Hindu Dharma alive ! ” said Swami Sree Shashwatanandji Maharaj while addressing in Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha organised…
Karad (Maharashtra): “Hindus must realise that they should give up their lethargy as danger is looming over them.” said H.B.P. Dattatreya Maharaj while addressing in…