Madhya Pradesh: While returning from the Dharmajagruti Sabha campaign one police came chasing to the place where HJS activists were accumulated. He contacted to his…
Mumbai: Gujrat Chief Minister Shri Narendra Modi gave full support to Hindu Janajagruti Sabha organized by Hindu Janjagruti Samiti (HJS) . This Sabha will be…
Panaji (Goa): The state administration has imposed the code of conduct in North Goa due to the legislative assembly bye-elections. Thus, HJS has postponed its…
Akkalkot (Maharashtra): Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha took place here on 20 October. This sabha was held to discuss ways to fight the attacks made on the…
Kuala Lumpur: The Malaysian Government has banned the non-governmental Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf), branding it as a threat to national security.
Pune (Maharahstra): Only Sanatan Sanstha has been granted permission to set up its books stall as there is a long association between Devsthan and the…
Tulajapur (Maharashtra): After learning about the science, members of 25-30 committees promised not to print such picture on their vests in future.
Bangaluru (Karnataka): Hindu Janjagruti Samiti coordinators Sou. Poornima Prabhu, Sou. Surekha Keni and Shri.Arvind Baliga met Shri. Suresh Kumar, State Minister for Law and Parliamentary…
Guhagar (Maharashtra): A meeting of ‘keertankars and Prabodhankars’ was held here.The response of participants was good. They resolved to unite and alert all Hindus to…
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia): Registered Hindu temples in the country will be allowed to get foreign help in terms of priests, musicians and artisans, said Human…