In 36000 temples taken over by Tamil Nadu Government in the State, the State Government is going to appoint priests from communities other than the…
Shri. Sunil Ghanavat, the State Coordinator of HJS for Maharashtra and Chhattisgarh made online contact with local devout Hindu activists from all over the State…
Sister Lucy Kalapura has been ordered by the Franciscan Clarist Congregation Superior General in Ernakulam to vacate the convent within one week.
Facebook has been imposing a ban on various pages of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) and Sanatan Sanstha since the last two years. The famous (or…
To oppose double standards of Facebook, devout Hindus took to Twitter with hashtag #Facebook_Targets_HJS. More than 70,000 tweets were tweeted by Hindus in just a…
Do your bit selflessly for Dharma by forgetting your post, status and keeping away other distractions ! – Manoj Khadye, HJS-Coordinator, Gujarat State, West Maharashtra…
Increasing population of fanatics in the country is the root-cause of the partition of Bharat ! – Sunil Ghanavat, HJS- State Coordinator for Maharashtra and…
Man can lead a successful and happy life only when he tries to grow spiritually along with his development in the material world ! –…
Be ready for protection of God, nation and Dharma by remembering valour exhibited by our brave kings ! – Nilesh Shete, HJS
Vaccination for Bangladeshi-Rohingya intruders, while opposition to Pakistan displaced Hindus; what kind of secularism is this ? – Jay Ahuja, Nimittekam, Rajasthan