Special prayers were offered at different temples in Mumbai under ‘Hindu Rashtra-jagruti Abhiyan’ for long, healthy life of ‘Paratpar Guru’ Dr. Athavale; so also for…
Sanatan Sanstha and Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) undertook a drive to contact ‘jidnyasus’ and devout Hindus visiting ‘Dharmashikshan’-exhibition jointly held by Sanatan Sanstha and HJS…
HJS, many Hindu organisations and activists are protesting against Govt control of Hindu temples from last many years. Now Hindu organisations should sharpen their lawful…
Collective ‘Gudhi-pujan’ was performed on behalf of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) at Chhatrapati Shivaji Chowk in Chopda city on the occasion of ‘Gudhi Padva’.
Special prayers offered in various temples for good health and long life of ‘Paratpar Guru’ Dr. Athavale and for establishment of Hindu Rashtra
‘Gudi Padwa’, which is one of the 3 and hald most auspicious ‘muhurts’, was celebrated in traditional manner, with lot of enthusiasm on Chaitra Shukla…
Lectures, demos were held and VCDs were shown at various places in Kolhapur district for explaining the science for celebrating ‘Gudhi Padva’ on 6th April. On…
Good response received from devout Hindu activists for various drives undertaken by HJS and Sanatan Sanstha at different places in North India !
Root-cause of all grave problems faced by human today is unrighteous behavior ! – Prakash Malondkar, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti
Representation was submitted by pro-Hindu organizations to Chennai Police Commissioner demanding stringent action against K Virmani, President of Dravid Kazagam Party for passing offensive comments…