Bhagyanagar (Andhra Pradesh): The Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha organized here, concluded successfully with tremendous response of proud Hindus.
Ratnagiri (Maharashtra): Hindu Dharamajagruti Sabha was held here, where 1200 proud Hindus who had gathered for the said Sabha resolved to establish ‘Hindurashtra’.
Mumbai: This year too, ‘Holi’ festival was celebrated with throwing plastic bags filled with water and colours, use of chemicals, wastage of water, eve-teasing, fighting…
Pune (Maharashtra): The drive undertaken by HJS to prevent pollution of water reservoir at Khadakvasala was a complete success like last year.
Vengurle (Maharashtra): HJS organised Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha here successfully & 1500 devout Hindus attended this sabha.
Kolhapur: 3000 Hindus attend Hindu ‘Dharma-jagruti Sabha’ in Kolhapur
Hasan (Karnataka): There are 53 cases in my name. Even if 1000 cases were filed in my name Mutalik’s voice would not stop. – Mutalik
Nagpur (Maharashtra): Every Hindu should take benefit of these ‘Sabhas’ and workshops by HJS, Said H.B.P. Mukhnath Maharaj Dikkar.
Vaghoda (Maharashatra): Hindus attending the inaugural function of branch HJS at Vaghoda (District Jalgaon) expressed that they all resolved to fight for Dharma till the…
Ernakulam (kerala): ‘In the last 61 years following independence all party governments are constantly engaged in protecting the Muslims who are constantly pressurizing Hindus but…