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How modern-day gurus are crucified ?

France 2’s film on Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji by delhi based correspondent Pierre Monegier is highly biased, and is a direct attack on India’s ancient…

Pseudo Secular Hindus : The enemy within

Saving Bharat from the pseudo secular assault on our culture, values, ethics, life-style, education, and Hindutva and bring our glorious roots of Hindu spiritual tradition,…

Al Jazeera and Internet Hindus

The newest entrant in the English TV news media in India is Al Jazeera. One imagines they would mostly be covering international news with an…

10 shades of Indian secularism

Secularism is what we’re taught to be proud of, even at the cost of our traditional Hindu identity. The choice between cultural nationalism and constitutional…

Not ‘Secularism’ again

Now that the Chief Minister of Bihar has dragged ‘succularism’ into the political discourse, it is time to deconstruct it so that we can end…

Persecution of Hindus in USA

This is the first article in series of articles by AFRE on the persecution of Hindus. This article focuses on the persecution of Hindus, a…

Swamy links spread of terrorism to graft

The country has been facing a leadership crisis and it needs a decision-maker who can take risks to overcome the challenges like terrorism and corruption,…

Indian Muslims : Babar Or Ram?

Indian Muslims are today at a crossroad. The destruction of the Buddhist statues in Afghanistan has shown to the world in general – and to…