India must wage its own war

We should mean business in tackling terrorism and the war against terror to its logical conclusion. Our security forces and and intelligence agencies can do it, provided the Government wills it and means it. To win this war the Government will have to stand firm. Read more »

What makes a terrorist?

In a despatch headlined ‘Frustrated Strivers in Pakistan Turn to Jihad’, published in The New York Times of February 27, Sabrina Tavernise and Waqar Gillani dwell not only on the circumstances that spawn terrorists but the kind of youngsters who may become terrorists. They quote a Pakistani military psychiatrist, Brig Mowdat Hussain Rana, who has studied 24 young men who were involved in terrorist attacks in Pakistan, as saying, “He’s (the archetypal terrorist) that boy who is not in a rigorous system of rule setting. He becomes someone who drifts, who spends afternoons hitting stray dogs, and no one notices.” Read more »

China: The new imperialist power

It is no secret that cheap Chinese goods have in the past been smuggled into India via Nepal which needs to be looked into. Meanwhile, India must also look beyond its immediate neighbourhood as Minister of State for External Affairs, Shashi Tharoor, was ordered to. Tharoor was in Latin America on January 12, to strengthen Indo-Latin American ties. Among the countries he visited was Peru where, apparently, he has succeeded in persuading the Peruvian Government to offer as many as 65 unexploited mines to India, which is no small achievement. Read more »

Victims of Islamic bigotry

The beheading of Sikhs in Pakistan and the assault on a temple at Sonargaon in Bangladesh point towards the plight of non-Muslims in Muslim majority countries. The situation is clearly intolerable and India must exercise its moral authority to come to the aid of innocent victims.
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Husain stay back, all is not forgiven

Although some of M F Husain’s paintings are offensive, the artist himself says he never felt victimised in India and left the country voluntarily. So what’s the row about? Why secular-fundamentalists want to call him back? Read more »

Muslims need to introspect

The beheading of two Sikh hostages by the Pakistani Taliban who, it is said, still hold three more Sikhs captive, represents a problem not just for India but for the entire civilised world. Meanwhile, Pakistan is in no mood to take responsibility for the crime and go after the perpetrators as it continues to maintain that the beheadings were carried out by those outside the Pakistani state apparatus. It is appalling that secular apologists and peaceniks in India as well as the Muslim leadership here are silent on this brutality. Read more »

Islam’s stockpile of human bombs

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto had promised his people and the Muslim ummah the ‘Islamic Bomb’. He didn’t live to see his promise fulfilled by a thieving AQ Khan. But given the reality of mutually assured destruction just in case someone is tempted to push the button, Pakistan has to perforce keep the ‘Islamic Bomb’ in safe custody, a useless totem of power. But there’s a far more easily accessible variant of the ‘Islamic Bomb’ which is used with sickening regularity by those who are thrilled at the sight of human gore and flesh, preferably that of women and children. It is called the ‘Human Bomb’. Read more »

China on ego trip, May lead to World War III

I have a feeling that a third World War may come sooner than later. And Chinese authorities would be responsible for it. As far as India is concerned, its experts have estimated that there are all possibilities of an Sino-Indian war by 2012. Read more »

Hindus feel the heat in Pakistan

Pakistan is home to some 2.5 million Hindus, 95% of them living in the southern Sindh province. There are many cases of abduction, kidnapping, murder of Hindus. Even Hindu women are not spared by Muslims in Pakistan. Read more »

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