Need for developing pride for Hinduism

Today we are viewing our religion, national issues, invasions and history all with the coloured glasses of a socialist. That is precisely why we need to develop respect and pride for the Hindu religion. We need to look at the issues and the world with the religious perspective, Only if viewed with the perspective of the Sanatan Hindu religion then will the individual and the nation be saved. Read more »

Are Brahmins today’s Dalits in India?

A time when nearly all political parties are vying with each other to please Dalits or other backward classes advocating reservations for them, ignoring the Brahmins, French Journalist Francois Gautier, having spent nearly two decades in India, finds it a prejudiced trend based on misconceptions.
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Why we need to exhibit photographs of Hindu genocide?

Some of you will wonder why we need to exhibit such photographs of Hindu genocide at all. Some of the reasons are quite obvious while others are not and the importance of these reasons varies from person to person. The Chancellor of Germany Gerard Shroeder when attending a memorial meeting spoke thus to the survivors of the ‘Auswitz’ concentration camps, on its 60th anniversary, “All these bitter memories are a part of our nation. The people of Auswitz are trying to convey the message to us to remain vigilant at all times.”
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Women and the Vedas

Much has been written recently about the plight of women in India. It is certainly true that on the scale of most economic and social indicators, women are lagging behind men. Read more »

Justice Sachar Committee’s gigantic political fraud

In December 2006, Dr Manmohan Singh made a pan-Islamic declaration to the effect that Muslims of India – and particularly Muslims only – will have a knock-down priority in the vital matter of charge on scarce Indian national resources taken as a whole. Read more »

Resist atheist assault on Hindu scriptures

Mahatma Gandhi’s ashes were immersed in all the major rivers of the world except the Indus as the government of Pakistan had refused to grant permission for the same on the grounds that they did not want to pollute it with the ashes of a kafir (non-Muslim). Read more »

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