About 391 pieces of bones were recovered at a Ratlam Christian Missionary hospital in Madhya Pradesh. Remains of unborn babies and fetuses were also found…
School says, wearing Christian cross badge would give them peace. Villagers of Tendoli are enraged and headmaster Mr. Karat has apologised for mistake.
Thousands of churches face closure, demolition or conversion in the next decade, leading to the demise of some branches of Christianity in Europe, according to…
B. Muralidhar ReddyHe had garlanded Rajapaksa during his Vaharai visit
This is a report from One to One international which confirms that missionary groups exploited Tsunami disaster relief.(This shows the aggresiveness of the missionaries who…
Feb 3, 2007 Indolink ,Syed Ali MujtabaBhajans by a band of Westerners, is that not surprising! More so if they claim to sing in Hindi,…
A very bizarre incident symbolic of “Christian compassion” and “Christian Brotherhood” took place in a school called St Christ Church School in Andhra Pradesh a…
Tara Guber crafted a new curriculum that eliminated chanting and translated Sanskrit into kid-friendly English for school children in US. But Christian fundamentalists and even…
A San Francisco-area pastor who pleaded guilty to helping smuggle young leopard sharks from California to aquariums in Europe and the United States has been…
Christians across the US are told to clear their bookshelves, to send excess Bibles to Bible-less developing countries. Great Crates Shipments of Bibles are packed…