CM Raghubar Das ordered a probe by Jharkhand State Child Protection Commission (JSCPC) into the selling of a baby by the staff of a shelter…
Sixteen members of an organisation with alleged links to Christian missionaries have been arrested for allegedly trying “religious conversions” in Jharkhand’s Dumka district
The Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church is mired in controversy following a serious allegation that a married woman was sexually exploited by some priests who used her confessions…
Dignitaries who hailed from Southern India, expressed their views about various problems faced by Hindus in these states
Hindu Rashtra Nepal turned ‘secular’ due to conspiracy hatched by ‘European Union’ and Congress Government ! – Dr. Madhav Bhattarai, President, Rashtriya Dharmasabha Nepal, Kathmandu
Just fact check how the Church shamed Dalits for their open support to the Dalit hartal that happened. They forgot that we were the same…
A strong protest to condemn this dastardly act by St. Joseph’s Hospice and to pressurise the Govt to severely punish the culprits was organised on…
Thanninikkumthadathil Thomas, a Catholic priest in Kerala has been booked for raping a British-Bangladeshi woman. He was also booked for allegedly stealing the woman’s gold…
We call a Priest – a Father. So lets have the courage to call out the Sins of the Father, lest we pay for the…
Under the debt waiver scheme for the Christian Converts, loans up to Rs.25,000 maturing on 31 March 2006 would be written off fully