One of the resident of Indra Nagar, Chennai brought to notice of some Hindu activists and staunch Hindutvawadi Smt. Uma Anandan that missionaries are trying…
Converted Christians take up names like Amala, Vimala, Nirmala, Vimaljyoti, Amaljyoti Mahesh, Parameshwar etc. which shows that they have not been able to adjust to…
Public domain documents submitted by non-profit organizations in USA and India to their respective Government agencies reveal Church Planting to be a major activity that…
Lambasting inter-caste marriages, Idukki Bishop Mar Mathew Anikkuzhikkattil on Saturday stirred a hornet’s nest by saying incidents of Christian girls falling victims to ‘Love Jihad’…
Few ‘Hindutvavadis’ came to know that some Christian missionaries were to convert people while spreading superstitions under the guise of prayer-meeting in an office in…
The unified move by Christian congregations in imposing proscriptions on Hindu fishermen, preventing them from fishing in waters south of Neendakara Bride has turned ocean…
Hindus who want to embrace other religions due to so-called discriminatory caste system in Hindu Dharma, will you make note of this fact about Dalit…
160 fishermen were taken hostage, but were later released following intervention of leaders of Hindu Aikya Vedi and Araya community. These fisher folk braved threats…
There are speculations over the injury caused to the wild elephant spotted in Kuttampuzha, Crosses, which are planted illegally inside forests, have serrated edges to…
A Keralite nun was on Saturday denied permission to take the All India Pre-Medical Entrance Test in Thiruvananthapuram after she refused to remove her veil…